Saturday, August 21, 2010

Signs and Wonders

I love the passage in the Bible that declares, "...these signs shall follow them that believe...." A few weeks ago, as our team with ICCL went into Kenya....God manifested Himself with "signs and wonders". I love what Dr. Gary Kellner said in one of our team meetings, that Jesus does "signs" so the people will "wonder"!

During our meetings, both at the School of Ministry for the pastors, and during the open-air crusade in the sports field in the heart of the city (Kisumu), we saw the "signs and wonders". Blinded eyes were open....the lame walked....deaf ears were opened....legs lengthened....backs healed.....on and on....God did what HE said HE would do!

I love the fact that the Gospel was preached ....and then the Gospel was "confirmed" with the miracles and healings! In many of our churches here in America, this is not happening. Yes, the "Good News" is being preached.....and preached....and preached! But, where are the signs? Where are the miracles? Now some will tell you, "the miracles were for Jesus day, or the early church's day". What do you do with the verse that says, "Jesus Christ, the SAME, yesterday, today, and forever?" You have to totally ignore that verse, deny it, or misinterpret it.
NO, the signs and wonders are for today! I thank God I fully believe that! I also believe that if God will heal people in Africa, HE will heal people in America. In our services, we are seeing people healed in each service, every where we travel.

Follow me on my journey. Go to my new Web Site:

Set Free!

In my recent ministry trip to Kenya, I noticed numbers of little boys, all over town, sleeping (middle of the day) by the wayside, etc. Most of them, I noticed were carrying a small bottle with them.....what I discovered was these children are addicted to GLUE SNIFFING. I know in the USA we have had this problem in past times with teenagers sniffing glue to "get high". Well, this is a major problem in that part of the world. I was told by a Kenyan Pastor that these boys will probably not live to adulthood, due to this addiction. It will harm their brains...and make them prime candidates for disease. Hopeless? Not when we know the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

During our team's street ministry, and evening crusade, we saw scores of these kids delivered and healed by
the power of Jesus! You know it's real, when the kids give up their glue bottles.
I'm happy to report that the national Kenyan church is going to take these children in, and get them off the streets -
- get them FREE and adopt them into families. Most of these kids are homeless. Not anymore!!

T.L. Osborn learned years ago....when you go them the POWER! Then people will listen to you. John Wimber calls it, "Power Evangelism". It works. That is a powerful Kingdom Concept. When was the last time you heard that Mohammad healed an addicted child? JESUS still heals and delivers! Why? JESUS IS ALIVE!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Laity vs. Clergy

I have always contended for the elimination of the terms, "laity" and "clergy". Traditionally "clergy" refers to the professional ministers (pastors, missionaries, evangelists, etc.) and the term "laity" refers to the folks in the pews! Just a few weeks ago near 30 people traveled from the USA to Kenya with the International Center for Christian Leadership to minister to the people of Kisumu. Less than 10 of the team were "clergy" -- the rest were "laity". I look forward to the day --- from this day forward -- that we forever eliminate this distinction. Why? I watched ordinary -- that really isn't the right word -- but for lack of a better term -- "ordinary" -- special church people -- secretaries, road workers, nurses, teachers, homemakers, retirees -- come with us. In the afternoons, while some of the "clergy" ministered to the Pastors, the others went out on the streets -- laying hands on the sick -- praying and loving the people. Pictured above is a line up of our team in front of the people who had come forward in the open-air crusade for minutes they went through the crowd - praying and believing -- and seeing God manifest Himself in signs and wonders. They might have come to Kenya feeling "ordinary", but they left one week later "super-ordinary". Three of our ladies visited a medical clinic -- only to come back reporting two people who were blind -- could now see!!! Now, that's supernatural stuff! Wow! You should have seen these precious saints loving the unlovely of Kenya -- late night ministry to prostitutes (as young as 12 years old) -- reaching out to street children hooked on glue sniffing ---It was life changing, both for the Kenyans and for our team!

Scripturally, there is no distinction between 'professional' preachers and lay people --- every child of God is called to be a "minister". If you feel you are just "ordinary" -- a member of the "laity" --- then I challenge you to re-think your position -- you are a minister! Come go with us next March, as ICCL returns to Kenya for another week of ministry. It will change your perspective. Check out the ministry web site in the near future for details: www.

You can watch my web site for details as well:

You are called to be the "hands of Jesus" extended to the world around you.