We have witnessed this week, what many in the media are declaring a "miracle". Millions of us have watched as 33 miners from Chile were one-by-one brought to the surface of the earth, from a depth of 1/2 mile, where they have been entombed for 69 days. It's been a media frenzy - a reality-TV spectacle - the President of Chile hugging each miner - "live" TV coverage both 1/2 mile in the earth, and on top as each man was reunited with family and friends.
Many in the media have said that this coverage is "welcome relief" from all the hard, cold, bad news of the day. I would have to agree! The 24-hour-a-day cable news channels did just that --- gave us around the clock "live" coverage, since the first miner was lifted to safety, in his space-age capsule, wearing his special green suit......kind of reminds us of the space journeys we've grown up to watch.
I've heard comments this week that these men have been "born again" -- one of the miners actually said that there was a contest between the Devil and God -- and God won! Esteban Rojas (the 18th miner to resurface) actually knelt to pray in front of the whole world.
Before we get overcome by the euphoria -- I wonder if anyone realizes that there are 15 million humans who are alcohol-abusing or alcohol-dependent in this land. Have we forgotten the 1.5 million babies that are aborted each year in his country -- that's 1.5 million mothers hurting too. What about the report from the Mayo Clinic that 19.5 million people, over the age of 12, are using illegal drugs, with 19,000 deaths occurring due to drug addiction.
While we will never forget this "fall classic" -- the televised rescue of 33 Chilean miners. Please do not forget the millions of people, who are entombed in a darkness far worse than a cave or a mine -- but are bound by alcohol, drugs, and are imprisoned by grief, guilt, and sin.
Jesus Christ took his cross up to Golgotha's hill for every one of us ..... not just Americans... everyone in the world. He died that day -- there were no TV cameras and a cheering crowd. To most, he lost that day. BUT, three days later, he arose from death and the grave, to give us the freedom and liberty that only a personal relationship with God can bring. All any one of us has to do is to "believe" and "receive".
Are you still trapped in a cold, dark world of sin? There's a rescue plan in place for you. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you can be saved" -- TODAY! Right now!