The ICCL team has just returned from Nakuru, Kenya, where over 6,000 people have committed their lives to Jesus Christ, in a four-day crusade in the city. Up to 10,000 people attended each crusade service, and many "signs and wonders" were done in Jesus name. We saw healings and miracles in each service. This truly was "A Time for Nakuru".
It was so exciting to see hundreds of children, packed into the front of the platform to hear the music, and the preaching of the Gospel. Almost ALL of them responded to the call for salvation.
Our team ministered in the men's prison, and over 800 men gave their lives to Christ
Our team ministered in the women's prison, and almost every woman in the prison gave her life to Christ. We saw many healed and set free too! What a day!
Our team conducted a Pastor's Conference on Thursday and Friday of the Crusade, during the day, and hundreds of men and ladies attended, and were blessed.
One of the most feared groups of people were touched during our ministry in Nakuru.
Wikipedia defines the "Mungiki" as "a politico-religious group and a banned criminal organization in Kenya". The leader of the Mungiki (who pattern their group after the fierce Mau Mau tribe), had become a Christian. He asked members of our team to come and speak to their group. All 120 of their members were born again that day....and a new church was born that day. On Sunday, a minister went to conduct services for them and there were 300 present the first Sunday! Each of their members were noted for many acts of violence and murder. Now there are "brothers in Christ Jesus"!
Members of our team were invited to share their testimonies at the local Mosque. Afterward, there were some serious inquires made by Muslims as to the claims of Christ! To God be the Glory!
Lives were changed in Kenya this past week. Things will never be the same. When Jesus Christ comes into one's life ...nothing is the same. "Old things pass away.....all things become new"
It's a new day in Kenya. Christ has come!!
Come and join with us!
We will be going to Malindi this summer to conduct a crusade and conference.
Later this fall, we will be going to Kiserian for a great crusade.
YOU can be a part of an upcoming ICCL team.
Email me: dtrailey@aol.com and find out how YOU can be a part!