Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pray for America

It's that time again .... election time.  Every four years in the USA, we are called upon as citizens to select our leaders (the President and Vice President).  At the same time, we will be electing Congressmen and Senators, Governors and a host of other civic leaders.  Ballot initiatives will be decided too.
It's important that we do our part.   As a Christian and a citizen, we are obligated to do what Jesus said to do:
"Render to Caesar -- and to God" -- I know HE was speaking in reference to paying taxes, but I believe it applies to our duty to Vote.  The choice is ours to make. 

 Our nation is at a crossroads - this is a critical decision.  Our economy is deeply in trouble -- unemployment is at record highs -- people are hurting and losing hope that anything will change for the better.  The world is a dangerous place, with people who hate America doing all they can to destroy us.  Israel is in the cross hairs of their enemies as well.  We badly need the right choice for our leader.

Paul told Timothy what God expects us to do:

The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live. 
(II Timothy 2:1-3 in the Message)

I've heard some people say that they didn't think their vote counts, so why vote?  I believe that to NOT vote is a vote, and NOT the answer.  Every vote counts.

It's our duty to PRAY and to VOTE.  I plan to do my part and trust God for the results to be right! I plan to pray for our leaders too that God will guide them into the future, and that they will honor Him in every thing they say and do.  Will you join me?

What do you think?  What do you plan to do?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Future of Kenya

Look into the eyes of these children
and you will see the future of the
nation of Kenya.

Are these the elite of Kenya?
Are these the important people
of Kenya?


They are the poor children, who
are presently growing up in the
garbage dump of the city of

Look at the photos closely!  See
and feel the pathos of the moment!
Recently, while ministering in Nakuru, Kenya -- our ICCL team spent time with these "little ones".

We brought food, clothes, shoes, toys ....of should have seen the face of these kids when given a toy or a piece of would have thought that they had received a million dollars!  Watching their response was "priceless"!

Jesus said concerning the children:
"of such is the kingdom of heaven"

HE was talking about their innocence  and their child-like faith.
We have to come to God like these !

God moved upon the hearts of the Pastor and members of his church team from Cross Point church in Paola, KS to sponsor 80 of these children for one year.  This month these children are going to a boarding school, where they will be fed, clothed, educated, and taken "out of the dump".  The future of these children is much brighter today, than it was a few weeks ago!

There are many more children we want to help "rescue" -- for only $10 per month we can place a child in a school and lift them out of the cycle of poverty and death.  Who couldn't give that much to insure the future of a nation?

If YOU would like to help, contact us ASAP.  We can make this happen!  I hope you realize that "whatever you make happen for another, God will make happen for you!"

Click on my Web site link below, or go to the ICCL web site,  and contact us.  Let's change a nation, one child at a time!

Don Railey Ministries           ICCL

Saturday, September 1, 2012



Our team just returned a few days ago from the nation of Kenya -- where 6250 people were "born again" and entered the Kingdom of God --- as the Scripture says, "translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light!"  Over 900 of those saved were in the men's and women's prisons there in Nakuru (third largest city in Kenya).  Over 450 of those were led to Christ during our team's street ministry.

We also saw the mighty power of God working in healing and miracles -- several laid down their crutches (healed) -- one little 8 or 9 year old girl who had never walked before in her life, walked across the stage healed by the power of God -- another lady had both her ears healed (from deafness to hearing the Good News) -- backs and legs were healed -- wow!  Too many to tell!

The ongoing story is that starting soon in both the Men's and Women's Prisons -- we will be conducting a Bible School -- training these former criminals to preach and teach the Word of God!  Can you say Praise the Lord!   We had hundreds of prisons ready to be baptized in water -- we only had time to baptize 50 of them .... the chaplains will continue to baptize them!  God is moving in the prisons in Kenya!  God has opened a door, and the time is NOW to walk through that door.

We'll be back in Kenya in November to have another class of the Bible School for the Maasai tribe. God is moving in the Maasai tribe and the time is NOW to train them to reach their people.

Want to be a part of this opportunity -- I need partners!  We need supporters both financially and prayer partners.  Go to my web page and make a contribution through Pay Pal today.  God to the new ICCL web site and commit to help us reach Kenya for Jesus!

Both web site links are listed below (just click the link)

Stay tuned for more news of what God is doing through Don Railey Ministries!

Bookmark this page!  Come often!  Make a comment below and let me know you are my "Partner"!

Friday, July 6, 2012

WORD in Flesh

Courtyard of Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem

Site of the Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem

"So the Word became flesh (human) and made his home among us..."   John 1:14 NLT

One of the main highlights of going to Israel, is to visit the town we sing about each December:  "O Little Town of Bethlehem".  The reason why it is so strategic a location, is that night so long ago, when in this town, the very Son of God became a baby!  Each year hundreds of thousands of "pilgrims" come from around the world to this church on December 25.   The plaza in front of the church (pictured above) is packed with people- TV crews transmit the images around the globe.  It is a Christmas tradition!

The actual site, said to be the location of the birth of Jesus, is downstairs, underneath the church (pictured above). Only a few people at a time can get into this "cave-like" room.  It is an awesome experience, just to be in that room. 

To think that God the Creator of the Universe, would impregnate a little Jewish virgin, and nine months later - God would become a baby -- God would come down to us.  The Holy One incarnate.  Think about it!

Often we wonder if God even knows where we are? -- Does God even care about me?  How could HE know about my situation? -- From Bethlehem, I hear a resounding WORD for you today --- "The WORD became human and made his home among us...." 
YES - HE knows!
YES - HE cares!  
YES - HE is IN your situation!

Be encouraged today.  No matter where you are -- no matter what is going on in your life right now -- GOD KNOWS AND HE CARES FOR YOU!   Trust HIM!

What are you going through - that God is helping you with right now?  Share a comment with me.....let's dialogue!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Upper Room

Glass window in Upper Room depicting Holy Spirit

To every person who travels to Israel, one of the highlights of being in the city of Jerusalem is to visit "The Upper Room"

If you recall, this is the room where Jesus and His disciples ate the Passover meal together one last time, prior to Christ's crucifixion and resurrection.  It is also the location of the events described in the opening chapters of the book of Acts -- the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

There are differences of opinion as to the actual location of this room -- but, our guide assured us that this was a good "possibility" of that location --- at least, this is the place where a large number of tourist gathered that day.

I love the atmosphere of this place ---  while our Jewish guide was trying to talk to us -- explaining all the archeology of this site -- the Biblical significance of this place, etc. --- there were other groups in the room singing and praying -- fact is, in the short while we were there, one of the groups nearby testified to some of their members being "baptized in the Holy Spirit" while we were there.

I didn't care about the lecture -- didn't listen.  I didn't care about the archeology and what some expert has said about whether this is the actual room or not.  All I wanted to do was worship!  And so I did!

Our visit to this room was relatively short -- but the lasting feeling I have, and the presence of the Holy Spirit I felt that day linger.

On that first day - when the disciples were eating the Passover - Jesus told them HE would go away -- but after He left -- HE told them to return to this room and wait until "you be empowered or endued with power".

Have you waited in His presence "until you be empowered"?
I have -- and I still do often!

What does the Upper Room mean to you?  What part of your life does the Holy Spirit play in your everyday life?

Share you comments with me below!  I want to know!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Church for All Nations

Church for All Nations, Jerusalem

One of the highlights of visiting the Mount of Olives, overlooking the city of Jerusalem, was this church.  It's call the "Church for All Nations" - because it was built by contributions from a number of nations between 1922-1924 

 (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Italy, France, Spain, United Kingdom, Belgium, Canada, Germany, USA, Ireland, Hungary, Poland, and Australia)

It is also called the "Basilica of the Agony", because it sits next to the Garden of Gethsemane and houses a huge rock, which we were told is possibly the "rock" that Jesus prayed on that night in the Garden, before being arrested and going to the Cross.

It was interesting to see the "seals" of all these nations portrayed in the ceiling of the church.

We were told that the altar is an "open altar" -- meaning services are conducted in this church by the Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Armenian Apostolic, Protestant, Lutheran, Evangelical, and Anglican churches.

It is by far, one of the most beautiful churches in the Holy Land.

I think it is so interesting that it is called "Church for All Nations" ---isn't that really what THE "church" is all about. 

Jesus said that HE would build HIS "church" -- and the "gates of hell could not prevail against it"

The Gospel (Good News) is still for "WHOSOEVER" - that means ALL Nations -- and everybody IN that nation

What do you think?  Let me know!

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Garden

2,000 year old Olive Tree in The Garden of Gethsemane

Nothing inspires a Holy Land traveler, like going to the area across from the city of Jerusalem, called the Garden area.  Here you will see OLD Olive trees -- they actually are at least 2,000 years old -- so theoretically these could well be the trees in the Garden that night, when Jesus prayed with his disciples.

As the Scriptures tell us, the disciples struggled to pray with their Lord -- they kept falling asleep. Then Judas and the soldiers showed up, and Jesus was arrested ....... you know the story!

The highlight of the story is the prayer Jesus prayed that night.

HE asked that "if possible" the "cup" be removed.  What the Son of God was asking is that the road to the cross be changed.  "If it is possible" --- think about it.  What IF the Son of God did NOT go to the cross?  No Cross = No Resurrection.  No Resurrection = Death to All of US!

I love the KJV version which states "nevertheless not my will, but thine be done...."
I know we don't talk that way .... but I love that word, "NEVER-THE-LESS"

IT WAS A GO!  Jesus was saying --- even IF it was possible to avoid the cross -- I WILL GO ANYWAY!

It's like the kids today who flippantly say, "Whatever!"

Jesus was saying - WHATEVER -- Whatever the cost -- whatever it takes -- whatever the pain and suffering -- whatever!  I WILL GO!!!!

You and I today no longer have to live under the curse of sin!  We have been set free by the the determined effort of Jesus Christ in the Garden that night, so long ago!

What are you going to do about it?
Will you serve Him?
Will you appreciate His effort for You?

Monday, June 18, 2012


The Walled City of Jerusalem

When you make a trip to Israel -- and visit the "Holy City" of Jerusalem, you will notice quickly that this city has two distinctive things:   (1) It's a city "on the hill" -- you always have to "go up to Jerusalem" -- because geographically it sits on a hill, and (2) It's a walled city.

Centuries ago the settlers (the people of Israel) built the city with WALLS.  Walls serve a two-fold purpose -- (1) Keep the people inside for safety, and (2) Keep the "enemy" outside the walls.

What is amazing is that many of these walls are centuries old, and are still standing.  All  along the wall, you will notice different stones -- we were told that during the centuries different civilizations "rebuilt" the walls -- it's like a timeline of progress.

Several sections of the wall have great significance, Biblically. I want to point out two today.


This "corner" of the wall, we were told, is the site where the Devil took Jesus, during the "temptation" and suggested to HIM that HE throw himself over the wall, and God's angels would rescue HIM.  Remember what Jesus said ....."Tempt not the Lord".  So often we need to be reminded that the supernatural is not a toy -- or something we must "show off" to draw attention.  God is definitely a "supernatural" God and His miracles are for today!  But remember that everything God does is for HIS GLORY -- not mine, and they are always on HIS TIMETABLE.  Just a thought today!


When I was a child, I used to hear the saints singing -- "I will meet you in the morning, just inside the Eastern Gate....."
I've often wondered what they were talking about .... and then we saw this gate in Jerusalem.  Note that it is sealed.  Centuries ago, soldiers closed the gate - sealed it up.
Tradition says that when the Messiah comes, HE will open that gate!

It's exciting to know that NOW -- the Messiah has come!  HE is already here -- and HE is waiting to open the gates of our potential and destiny. All we need to do, is let Him in!!!

Oh yes, I don't doubt -- when Jesus returns to the city, one day soon, HE will open that Gate and walk back into the "Holy City", bringing peace and justice to the world. He will reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Thought you might like to see some WALLS today.  Be blessed and BE READY for the King to come!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father and Son

City of Jerusalem, Israel

I'm writing this blog today on Sunday, June 17, 2012 --- Father's Day in America -- and a special Father's Day for me, as it is also the birthday of my oldest son, Rusty.  I'm thinking about my early Father's Day gift this year (in March)-- an opportunity to travel with Rusty to Israel, along with others in a group, led by Dr. Mark Rutland (President of ORU).

What a time we had, traveling by bus up and down the highways and byways of the "Holy Land" -- seeing sites that are recorded in the Bible -- witnessing first-hand the tension of the area, between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

Nothing is more beautiful to see - the highlight of every tour to Israel - the "Holy City" -- Jerusalem.  As you can see in the photo taken above, it's a crowded city -- buildings and people everywhere -- people from various backgrounds and religions.  One thing you see most is an abundance of churches and "holy sites".  In the heart of the city is a Muslim temple -- the Gold-Dome building, built over the top of a huge rock, which the Muslims believe that Abraham was to sacrifice his son, Ishmael -- and the Jews believe on this site, Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac, and they believe that in the end-times, this is the location where the Messiah will place his feet (the temple mount).

When I visited Israel back in 1985, we were allow to enter that temple, and I saw the Rock.  This year, were were NOT allowed to get near that temple.  Times have changed!

This is the city that Jesus wept over!  I'm thinking today of the Father's Heart that is grieved over the world He sent His only begotten Son into -- a world that hates one another - a world that kills it's unborn - that discards the elderly and other people not deemed to be "of worth" - a world that is divided and so lost!

It did my heart so good to be with my first-born son, in the land of Jesus.  But I think how it must do the heart of God the Father good to see whenever His Son, Jesus is honored.

Have you honored the Son, Jesus Christ, in your life?
If not, why not?  
Honor the Son Today -- Make the Father's Heart GLAD!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Statue of Peter in Capernaum

Matthew 16:17-19

New Living Translation (NLT)
17 Jesus replied,“You are blessed, Simon son of John,because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being.18 Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.19 And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.”

On my recent trip to Israel, we stopped in the old city of Capernaum -- a town right on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee.  It is reported that this was, perhaps, the home of Simon Peter.  In the middle of the old "ruins" is a statue of Peter, and underneath the scripture quoted above.

Did Jesus mean that "upon Peter" he would establish his church? If so, as the Roman Catholic Church believes, then Peter was the first Pope.
However, as we note in the book of Acts, during the first century, it was James (the earthly brother of Jesus) who was the head of the church in Jerusalem. No where do we see that the early church looked to Simon Peter as their leader.

I think what Jesus meant was "upon the confession that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God" (the words that Peter had stated just prior to what Jesus said), HE would establish His Kingdom and His Church.

If you look in the Gospel of Mark - the first chapter - you will find Jesus and his disciples stopping in Capernaum and Jesus would go to the synagogue there to teach.

Ruins of the synagogue in Capernaum

Mark 1:21-22

New Living Translation (NLT)
21 Jesus and his companions went to the town of Capernaum. When the Sabbath day came, he went into the synagogue and began to teach.22 The people were amazed at his teaching, for he taught with real authority—quite unlike the teachers of religious law.

I love the fact that the thing that astonished the people in Capernaum was, "for he taught with real authority - quite unlike the teachers of religious law."
That's powerful!  The words of Jesus were powerful -- with great authority -- not platitudes - not promises unfulfilled - but TRUTH!

In that same town are the ruins of the home of Simon Peter's mother-in-law.
Remember in the latter part of Mark 1, you find again and again that Jesus was "in the house" -- later Jesus came and healed Peter's mother-in-law of a fever- in this house.

Ruin's of Peter's mother-in-law's house

What a joy and inspiration it was to re-visit this city.  It reminds me of three powerful truths:

1.  Jesus Christ = Son of God and Son of Man = the founder of our faith and HIS Church

2. Jesus' teaching is with power and authority then -- and NOW

3. The power of the Lord is still "in the house" to heal any sickness and malady of life, if "you can believe"


Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Sea of Galilee

"Lord We Perish.....Don't you care?"

Today I was thinking back to my recent trip to Israel with my son, Rusty, back in March of this year, and the day when we went on a boat ride out on the "Sea"of Galilee.  I have purposely put parenthesis on the words, "Sea" -  it's just a title in the Bible.  Actually this is a LAKE in Israel -- fact is, it is the largest fresh water lake in Israel.  Thirteen miles long, and thirteen miles wide -- sitting some 690+ feet below sea level, it is the lowest fresh-water lake on Earth  (the lowest lake overall in the world is to the south of this one -- the Dead Sea).  Some other names for this body of water are:  "Kinneret", "Lake of Gennesaret" and "Lake Tiberias"

 I was reminded of the passage in Matthew 8:24-26, where the disciples were on such a boat ride, when a sudden storm came up.  The wind and waves really "did a number" on that boat -- and for a moment the disciples really believed that this was going to be their last boat ride.

Boat on the Sea of Galilee (very similar to the ones used in Jesus' day)

One unique detail needs to be pointed out from the Biblical passage --- Jesus Christ was ONBOARD that boat with them!  Fact is, the passage indicates that in the midst of this storm, Jesus was sleeping!
Frantically the disciples, thinking this may be the last trip, stirred Jesus and asked a question that millions over time have asked of God -- "Don't you Care?"

"God, don't you care that ......I'm sick?"
"God, don't you care that.....I'm unemployed?"
"God, don't you care that......."

If you have invited Jesus Christ to board your life, then HE is there always!  Notice that I said, "invited."  Just because you are a human being, doesn't guarantee that Jesus lives "onboard" your life.  You have to ASK  HIM to reside in your life.  You have to make a place for HIM to live in your life. You have to acknowledge HIM in your life.

If Jesus Christ, by your invitation, lives in your life, then no matter what you are going through, HE IS THERE!  And, YES, HE cares for you!

Frank Graeff in 1901 penned these words:
"Does Jesus care when my heart is pained too deeply for mirth or song?....
Does Jesus care when I've tried and failed to resist some temptation strong?....

And, Oh, my the way -- think -- you're in a storm -- you think you may not survive -- but Jesus is IN your life.  If your boat sinks -- HE sinks with it!  Cheer up!  
If Jesus is on board, you CAN'T GO UNDER!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Pastor's Roy and Cheryl Denton
Askewville Bethel Assembly and School

Last month, I had the privilege to minister at the Bethel Assembly in Askewville, NC., for four days. This church is located in eastern North Carolina, near Windsor.  It is pastored by a second generation Denton.  Roy O. Denton, Jr.  -- his father, Roy Sr. had pastored this church for many years on two occasions.

Roy Denton, Sr., his wife; Roy Denton Jr. and his wife

I could tell from the very first service that this was a very well grounded congregation.  The fruit of the labors of the Pastors was very evident.  The people were very responsive in worship and to the preaching of the Word.
I was received very well by the people, and as a result, God was able to do some very special things during the altar services.  In my travels all over the world, I note that wherever a congregation is responsive to the Word, they are equally receptive to the working of the Holy Spirit during times of prayer in the altars.  And yes, this church believed in having "altar services".  [That isn't always the case in every church today].

Bethel church is home to a large Christian school as well.  Pastor Denton, Jr. told me story after story of people who are active in the church now, who came up in the Christian school.  What a testimony to this church's vision and outreach in the community.

It should be noted that the influence of this church is felt all over the county.  Last year when a series of tornadoes came through eastern North Carolina, this community was hard hit.  I met people in the congregation who lost homes ... some in the community lost their lives.  The Pastor told me that whenever all of the area was without any electrical power, God caused Bethel's gym to have power --- and with a large kitchen - the congregation, working with other congregations, immediately began to help provide food for the community.  The devastation happened on a Saturday night -- that Sunday morning afterward, Bethel's people went into the community, beginning to reach out and help the clean-up work as well.

One of the most powerful things Pastor Denton shared with me was what the church is doing in their community even now.  During hunting season (deer), a lot of hunters only kill the deer for sport -- or they are a nuisance to the farmers - so some men from Bethel take the deer, clean them, then give the meat to needy families all over the county.

Now, that is what Christianity is all about -- helping the needy of your area!

My hats off to both Pastor Dentons (Senior and Junior) for making such a powerful impact on Bertie County, North Carolina.  I love this area, and look forward to returning in the near future to once again share the "good news" to these wonderful people.

Oh yeah - Bertie County is home to some of the best peanuts in the world!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2012 - The Year of Benjamin

Each year I like to listen to the various prophetic voices (that are credible) and see what the Lord is saying for the New Year.  I heard and read a lot of different things that God is going to do this year.  As I fasted and prayed, God dropped a thought in my heart.

 "2012 - The Year of Benjamin" 

 Let me share some of that thought with you.

Just to bring you up to speed as to who Benjamin was .... In the Bible, Abraham's grandson, Jacob, had 12 sons -- what we come to know in Scriptures as the patriarchs of the 12 tribes of Israel.  The twelfth and last son was Benjamin.  Benjamin's mother was Rachel - the woman that Jacob so dearly loved.  Benjamin's brother was the famous Joseph (the guy with the coat of many colors).

When Benjamin was born, his mother Rachel died in child birth.  As she was dying, she named the baby, "Ben-oni" which means "son of my sorrow".  The Scriptures say that his father Jacob refused to call him by this name, but instead named him "Benjamin" which means "son of my right hand". [Genesis 35:18]

When Jacob was dying, as was his culture, he called all his sons in, and one by one blessed and spoke prophetically over them.  When he came to Benjamin he said:

 "Benjamin is a ravenous wolf, in the morning devouring the prey and at night dividing the spoil." [Genesis 49:27]

Moses later blessed the tribe of Benjamin by saying: 

"Of Benjamin he said: The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by Him; He covers him all the day long, and make His dwelling between his shoulders."
 [Deuteronomy 33:12]

The number 12 in Scripture is a number of government and foundation:

* Jesus began to teach in the temple at the age of 12
* Jesus had 12 disciples/apostles
* Jacob had 12 sons/tribes
* In the "new Jerusalem" (Rev. 21:12) - we see 12 gates, 12 angels, and 12 names of 12 apostles
* The walls have 12 foundations (the 12 apostles)
* The city measures 12,000 furlongs - and has 12 precious stones
* When Jesus fed the 5,000 he had 12 baskets of fragments left over
* Our year is divided into 12 months
* We have 12 hours of day, and 12 hours of night (AM/PM)
* There are 12 configurations of stars in the heavens

On and on we could go .... I'll stop there ... you get the point....

I believe the following things are going to happen this year for "God's people" - "The Church" - "The house of believers":

1.  We will come from being "Ben-oni" the son of sorrow, into becoming "Benjamin" the son of the father's right hand.  In other words, God is going to restore a right relationship with Himself:
   * from rejection to acceptance
   * from being outcast to being recognized
   * from defeat to victory
   * from trials to being overcomers
   * from striving to thriving

2.  This will be the year that the "church" (the true church) - will go to war with the Devil and spoil the enemy!  I hope you know that there really is a Devil - our enemy!   Benjamin was a "war-like" tribe -- he was called the wolf.  The "Church" is also called the "army of the Lord" - and  we have a job to do - that is to fight the good fight and defeat our enemy -- in our personal lives, in our church congregations, and in our society.  This will be a year of fighting spiritually, and overcoming.  Remember, our weapons are not fleshy or of this world... they are "mighty" - prayer, fasting, declarations of His Word!!

3. This will be the year that the "Church" fully realizes that we truly are "the beloved of the Lord" - and with that revelation, we will "dwell in safety".  God loves His Church!  In the words of the old "spiritual" - "His eye is on the sparrow...and I know He watches me..."  God loves His church (which is made up of every born-again believer, worldwide) so much that He can't take His eye off of us!  I pray you will fully realize this fact this year!!

So -- I share with you what HE shared with me!  Think about it!  Pray over this!  I pray that 2012 will be your best year ever!

What do you think?  Share these thoughts with others!