I'm writing this post today to talk about the real question: "Who's in Charge of HIS Church?
I'm not referring to a denomination or even whether it's Catholic or Protestant. I'm referring to HIS church -- the one that Jesus Christ died on the cross to birth -- the church HE said that HE would build, "and the gates of hell cannot prevail against." I'm referring to the Kingdom Church!
The "Church" by definition is the "ecclesia" (Greek word) which means "the called out ones.". It's not a word used for a building, a local group, or a denomination -- but an organism made up of people - worldwide and across all boundaries. We know that the "ecclesia" shows up, especially in America, as local 'churches' (referring to congregations and buildings), denominations (Catholic, Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, etc.). In each of these uses of the word, we're dealing with PEOPLE --- somebody is "in charge" of the local group -- the state group -- the national group. What is so sad is when the emphasis is more on the local 'in charge person' instead of the Kingdom.
The word "Kingdom" means -- the domain of the King. We celebrate each year during Easter - the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. HE did all that to birth a KINGDOM -- not a religion. Please note that in a Kingdom -- the KING is the main player -- the King is not elected or reelected by any man - the King's word is binding -- and the King takes care of his subjects (people who live in his Kingdom). So now, think with me --- if the KING is in charge and HIS word is binding, then what place does all this other bureaucratic stuff have in the Kingdom?
The word "religion" refers to something made by man -- ordered and administered by man -- and is very capricious. Man's opinion rules in religions, and it is subject to change (sometimes as quickly as the weather changes). Religion favors a political edge, especially in America with our democratic mode of government. For all the good the United States has done over the years in missionary efforts and charitable works, the one terrible thing we have imported is our "democratic religion" -- "of the people, by the people, and for the people"
What is the difference between Religion and Kingdom --- a world of difference. In the Kingdom, Jesus Christ is the HEAD -- unquestionably and peerless. His Word is our command - His Will is our purpose -- and in the words of John the Baptist..."HE must increase and I decrease".
Guess what -- in religion, I count -- my voice is important -- my wishes need attention. In the Kingdom, NONE of that matters!!
We witness daily the demise of local congregations, where leaders who are so heady, fight, split, cause strife -- all in the name of our Resurrected Lord. This should never happen.
Listen Pastors -- it's not your church - it is HIS church! Listen Deacons and Lay Leaders -- it's not about you! It's not your Kingdom -- it's not your "church"! You have no right to dictate anything -- it's your privilege to obey HIM and follow HIS Word in all matters.
When our Religion finally becomes His Kingdom, and HE is truly LORD of HIS Church -- then we won't worry about the "smoke signals" from the Vatican Chapel -- we won't worry about the latest "Board Meeting" -- the latest congregational vote- or the latest visit from the Bishop! NO, we will only be concerned about finding His will and purpose -- and fulfilling that Great Commission to go all over the world to make disciples of His Kingdom.
What do you think?