Sea of Galilee |
Some of you may recognize "New Edition" as a R & B group back in the 80's -- they were the original "boy-band" -- they recorded a song "Can You Stand the Rain?" which was # 44 on the Top 100 Billboard chart in 1988. The gist of the song is summed up in the chorus:
Sunny days, everybody loves them
Tell me
Can you stand the rain?
Storms will come
This we know for sure
Can you stand the rain?
I want you to know that "Rain Happens"! "Storms Happen"! In life, in marriage, in business, in relationships, even in church -- Rain happens!
Rain isn't bad -- life needs it! We all need it! Sometimes we want it to stop -- but you can't stop the rain -- the question is "Can you stand it?"
When trouble comes or when storms hit your life and family -- can you stand?
In Matthew 14:22-36 - you find a true story of the disciples of Jesus getting into a boat on the Sea of Galilee, at Jesus' command, to cross the sea, only to meet with a violent storm which threatened to destroy them. Jesus comes to them walking on the water. He reveals who He really was, and Peter steps out the boat and walks on the water to Jesus.
Let me call to your remembrance the following ideas:
1. It took a storm to set-up a miracle. So many times when troubles and 'storms' come into our lives we fail to recognize that God is setting us up for a Divine Intervention. What the enemy sends your way to destroy or discourage you, may just be the "tool" for your miracle.
2. Jesus' word always 'trumps' the storms. HE was the one who ordered his disciples to get into the boat and cross the sea, when a storm hindered them. Whatever is hindering you now, if God has spoken His word to you -- HIS word cannot be stopped by the storm!
3. Jesus CAME to them in the midst of their storm. What a comfort to know that in the middle of our storms, Jesus can and will come to you! You are not really alone!
4. His word to the disciples and His word to you -- "Don't be Afraid" -- what a "word" when you can't see your way out of your trouble -- Don't be afraid!
5. Jesus reveals His true identity -- one translation says, "It is I" -- the Amplified Bible simply says, "I AM" -- that is God's name -- remember the burning bush and Moses in the Old Testament when God revealed His name and His character. HE IS! HE is everything you need Him to be in your life.
Out of this miracle revelation, another miracle happens -- the disciple Peter asked Jesus, "If that is really you - tell me to come to you" -- Jesus says one word -- COME -- and Peter miraculously walked on the water too. Yes, when he saw the waves and sensed the wind, he doubted and temporarily started to sink --- notice I said TEMPORARILY -- just for a moment -- Jesus quickly picked him up -- Peter did not sink --- and neither will you, if you will just get out of the boat of your circumstance -- look to Jesus - and obey His word to you --- C O M E !
Can YOU stand the storm? Can YOU stand the rain in your life? Your miracle is on its way to you right now! Don't be afraid, the great "I AM" is with you --- COME to HIM now! The storm ended when Jesus and Peter walked back to the boat -- and got in!
The same will happen to you! Just believe and obey the Master of the Sea - Jesus!