Monday, August 10, 2015

Tough People

This past week, thousands of people gathered in Orlando, FL, for the Biennial General Council of the Assemblies of God.  We heard a number of powerful speakers who brought a mixture of messages – updates from the front lines of what is going on in our culture and around the world and we were encouraged by the reports of what God is doing! 

Oft times, if you only hear what the media is telling you, you will come away discouraged and upset.  There is no doubt that these are “tough times”. 

I don’t need to repeat what you already know.  There are times when you come away believing that the whole world is “going to hell in a hand basket”. 

I am reminded by the statement that Robert Schuller made years ago – “Tough Times don’t last – Tough people do!”

What are the qualifications of a “Tough Person”?  This blog isn’t large enough to list all of them, but let me tell you a few:

(1) A person of CONVICTION --  you just have to have something bigger than yourself to hold on to – you’ve got to have something anchoring your life – or you will be blown away by tough times

(2) a person of FAITH – no matter what you think – you HAVE to have Faith – I’m not talking about faith in yourself – or just faith for faith sake – but Faith in God – those who have faith in God are the most stable of all people

(3) a person of PURPOSE - I’ve heard it said that if you don’t know where you are going, you will succeed --- when you get where you get – you’ll not know where you are anyway!   In these troubled times, you must have a purpose – you need direction – you need to know which way to “set your sails” – you cannot just drift along! 

Are you a person of conviction?  Are you a person of Faith?  Are you a person who has purpose?  If so, you are on your way to becoming a “Tough Person” during these “Tough Times”.

I am encouraged today!  I want you to be encouraged also!