Friday, September 11, 2015

Appeal to Heaven!

We are entering into a strategic time in the history of mankind.  We are 15 years, now, into the third millennium.  Many predicted that the world would end in 2000.  Remember Y2K?  We were told that the computers would crash -- power grids would go down - etc. etc.   Something unique is happening this past year and this year -- and that is the 4 Blood Moons.

These are not rare events -- when you have four "blood moons" happening in a row over a period of two years.  They have occurred many times this past century.  What makes this unique is that this time (as in 1492-1493; 1948-1949; and 1967-1968) they are tied to Jewish feasts or holidays.  Below is an illustration of what is happening, and a little history to "bring you up to to speed".

There are many "doomsday" folks who are telling us that the "end of the age" is here!

I'm reminded of what Jesus said, "When you see these things begin to happen -- look up....."

I do believe that something strategic is going to happen as it relates to the nation of Israel.

My number one concern is WHAT IS GOD SAYING TO HIS CHURCH?

At the top of this blog, I pictured the flag that was used by our first armies, when they were fighting for their lives against all odds, under the direction of George Washington.  Long before Betsy Ross and the stars and stripes flag -- this flag was flown.  Notice the words --- "An Appeal to Heaven".  What is simply means is that our early leaders were totally dependent of God's intervention, and they were not too proud, or should I say, "politically correct" to say so.  

It is high time to Call on God again!  I believe that as "my people who are called by my name" humble themselves and pray -- and repent -- and turn away from unrighteousness --- God will hear our "appeal to heaven" -- and we will witness a mighty "outpouring" of God's love and mercy.

 We need HIM again!

Will you join me in this "appeal to heaven"?  If so, "comment" on this blog, and share it with all your friends on social media.  Let's start an awakening in America, and around the world!!!