Today's method of communication is somewhat impersonal - yet lightning fast -- Texting, Facebook updates and Instant Messages -- with every passing year -- more and more methods are coming about rapidly.
Facebook is fun, in that you get to see pictures of your friends, etc. --- however, sometimes they (your friends) go overboard -- more pics than you want! ha!
The question I have today for you is this: With all this technology --are we better communicating - or just changing the manner? Are we relating better -- or just becoming more impersonal?
Never forget the power of the spoken word! God created this world of ours, by the spoken word! He didn't text it into existence! "And God said....."
Scientist have been studying for a long time the power of speaking to the unborn. All of us Dad's can identify with the picture below:
We were sure that if you just talk to your unborn child -- they will more readily identify your voice, after they are born. There really is something to be said about recognizing voices. Our brains do that quite well --- we can often pick out people in a crowd, because we recognize their voice. Every Mom does this quite well -- let the child cry (in a public place) - and Mom recognizes that cry!
Remember what Jesus said -- "My sheep know my voice...." -- well if the sheep (that's us) knows HIS voice -- then it stands to reason that HE recognizes our voice too.
So -- remember that God is listening for your voice -- in prayer - in worship - in the time of need, and even when you need nothing .... it's your voice he is listening for.....
Sorry, you can't text God -- he doesn't text! Can't instant message him either! You'll have to use your voice!
By the way -- I think we are too impersonal when we can't call and talk to one another. Talk to your loved ones -- talk to your friends -- do it face to face if you can (so they can see you -- checking out your "body language") -- if not use that smart phone -- call them --- better yet, due to modern technology - Face Time with them or Skype with them (so they can hear your voice, AND see you too).
Your voice has power! Use it for good today! Remember the commercial, "Reach out and touch someone...."? -- well, have a talk with God -- then call your family and friends today! They love to hear your voice!
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