Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Kingdom vs. Religion

I'm often intrigued by the lack of understanding in the "church world" when I bring up the term "kingdom". It's hard for Americans, especially, to grasp a concept that is foreign to our upbringing. We are "independent" Americans, and we have no King -- a President, a Governor, a mayor -- but no King. Monarchy is a strange style for us to understand. But, when you study the Bible, you see something so clear -- God's original plan was for man to function under HIS sovereign will and government. Due to man's rebellion, Adam and Eve, lost their 'dominion' authority, and became slaves to sin. We today are born into that slavery (to sin). Jesus Christ came into the world to "redeem" humanity -- from that slavery - back to God's original plan - a monarchy - where God is King, and we are his regents on the earth. Jesus taught us to pray, "Your kingdom come, your will be done on the earth, just like it is in heaven." Oh, for the day, when that prayer becomes a reality on planet earth. When that happens, and it will happen -- there will be no more war and strife - there will be no more sickness and pain. We all long for that day. Let's work toward making that day be today!

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