Saturday, July 25, 2009

Who Votes?

We who have been raised up in a "democratic" type environment, seldom if ever, think about the question I want to pose today: "Who votes in the Kingdom of God?" We are so used to government "by the people, of the people, and for the people." The word "kingdom" implies the "government of God" - or "the way God wants things done". So, let me ask..."Who votes in the Kingdom?" The answer ought to be obvious - NO ONE. Whatever the King wants, the King gets. Kings are not voted in or out. Their WILL must be done. So, if the church of Jesus Christ is truly His Kingdom on earth - then it's high time that we stop trying to have our own way. What I think really doesn't matter at all. Only what the King thinks is important. If I get my way or not, isn't important any longer. If the preacher preaches what I want to hear --- if the worship leader sings my favorite song or not -- really doesn't matter at all. It's all about HIM, and nothing about ME. Ouch! By the way, it's not up to me either where I go to church. The Scriptures teach that HE plants people in local churches. I cannot leave unless HE says leave, and HE says that fewer times than you or I like. So, who votes? Not me!


Anonymous said...

Great Blog!

Anonymous said...

I like it and we or I need to think more like that and prayerfully heed the Lord's direction in all we do.