Thursday, August 14, 2014

ISIS -Islamic State in Iraq and Syria

It's hard to imagine such cruelty -- such barbaric acts -- yet we are witnessing war crimes happening daily in the Iraq and in surrounding Syria.  Once again, the Middle East is a cauldron of trouble, distress, and distrust.  They called themselves I.S.I.S. -- Islamic State in Iraq & Syria --  This renegade, yet quite organized, group of terrorist are literally "taking the world by storm".  They had slaughtered Christians and anyone who is not radical Muslim throughout Syria and Iraq -- burned down churches -- chased people into oblivion -- forcing them to hide out in caves and mountainous areas of the Kurds.  Our President ordered air strikes against them to slow them down -- ordered humanitarian supplies to be air-dropped in the mountains for the people who have fled for their lives - so that they will not starve.

Just recently we have read reports that perhaps some of Saddam Hussein's "weapons of mass destruction" may have been found by ISIS in the underground hideouts.  What the free world could not find before -- perhaps now, the terrorist have found some those weapons.  We hear reports that many weapons and equipment which the USA left behind in Iraq, may now be in the hands of ISIS --  all this makes you want to say, "God help us!"

Take a look at the map - and see how they are advancing all across the region.

While Israel is dealing with Hamas (another puppet terrorist group, sponsored by Iran), the region is boiling with violence.  By the way, who do you think is sponsoring this ISIS group --- of course, Iran and Syria -- these folks are sworn enemies of the Great Satan (America) and Little Satan (Israel).

By the way, don't forget that while the world's attention (through the media) is on Israel and Hamas, and now ISIS and Iraq --- IRAN continues their march toward developing a nuclear weapon(s).  Sounds like a bad Hollywood movie --- bad in the sense that it is a horror flick!

Remember I wrote back in April about the Four Blood Moons --- and the results would be something earth shaking in the Middle East -- in the next two years -- well .......  can't you see the signs ??  ... can't you hear the sounds ??

Pray for the people of this area -- especially the peace-loving people -- the Christian people!

Pray for the Church of Jesus Christ  (the real Body of Christ)  - that WE will awaken to the reality that "time is short" --- I'm not a doomsday preacher!  But - folks it's time to finish the task.

You ask, what?  I'm glad you asked!  The TASK is to "Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God"  -- that has nothing to do with religion - it has to do with Kingdom -- it has to do with Jesus Christ being LORD -- RELATIONSHIP -- it has to do with people being at peace with God!

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