Thursday, August 28, 2014

Towel & Basin Challenge

According to Bill Saporito in Time Magazine (September 1, 2014), "Americans give more than $300 Billion annually to charitable causes.  We're a generous lot.  Then again, there are a lot of hands out.  More than a million charitable organizations are asking for those dollars, and many of these organization are inefficient, even if they are well-meaning."

Then comes the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise awareness and money for ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - a fatal disease that attacks the nervous system).  From July 29 through August 20 of this year, the ALS Association has raised more than $31 million to fund research --- more than all they raised in 2012.

People go on social media --- dunk themselves with ice water -- make a  $10 donation - and challenge their friends to do the same in 24 hours.  It's like this phenomenon has taken over social media --- ordinary folks to famous folks are getting involved --- even former President George Bush has done it.

As I have watched person after person getting wet --- I am reminded of the greatest challenge ever given in all of history -- I call it the Towel & Basin Challenge.

Jesus Christ, just before He went to the Cross for the sins of this world, met with his disciples in a room --- he picked up a basin of water, and a towel -- and he knelt down and started washing the feet of these men.  He then said to them --- do this to each other.

What did Jesus mean?  Was He instituting some sacrament in the Church?  There are some who believe so -- but I think Jesus was simply telling these disciples, these followers of Jesus to serve one another -- to be willing to serve others.

In a sense the folks dunking themselves with ice water are doing so to raise awareness and funds for research of a dreaded disease, in hopes that one day ALS can be conquered.  There are so many needs -- so many causes -- so many diseases needing money for research -- so many people in need!

Why not turn out attention to someone nearby in need -- to some family in your community in need - then remember the basin and towel -- do something to serve them!
Take them a meal -- buy then lunch -- mow their lawn -- help watch their children so that the single Mom can have a few minutes to herself, to go to the store -- sit and talk with that elderly person -- visit with them -- there is something YOU can do.

If you want to dunk the ice bucket -- go for it!

What would happen is 400 million Americans each reached out and accepted the
Towel & Basin Challenge to do something today for someone in need nearby?
Do you think we could start a revolution of service?
I challenge you!

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