Friday, December 23, 2011


Darla and I wish you each of you the very 
best Christmas ever!
It's not just a saying, it is truth: 
 "Jesus IS the reason for the season" 
It's not the tree, lights, or the gifts -- it's the 
GIFT of Life that Jesus Christ came to bring us!

Bless you all!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Today, December 7, 2011, is the 70th Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor (in Hawaii) by the Japanese.  On that Sunday morning, 70 years ago today, while the sailors and soldiers slept -  353 Japanese fighter planes attacked us in waves --- Eight (8) US Navy battleships were damaged, with four (4) being sunk.  The Japanese also sank or damaged three (3) cruisers, three (3) destroyers, an anti-aircraft training ship, and one mine layer ship.  One hundred eighty-eight (188) US aircraft were destroyed.  Two thousand four hundred and two (2,402) Americans died that morning. One thousand two hundred eighty-two (1,282) Americans were wounded.  

I wasn't alive back then, but I can still remember the stories of survivors, family, and teachers who recounted what happened that day.  Hollywood has made documentaries and movies about this day. I've seen many of them. We remember the photos and the voices from the past.....

The sinking of the USS Arizona is commemorated in the port of Pearl Harbor to this day 
-- many Americans are buried at that site.

On the following day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt (on Monday, December 8, 1941) addressed the nation and the US Congress, and declared that the United States was now at war with Japan.  Later, we would declare war on Germany and Italy -- and thus, we entered World War II. Before the war would end in 1945 - over four hundred sixteen thousand American military personnel would die (416, 837). 

You can go the this link below and watch and hear a clip of President Roosevelt's speech before the nation, declaring war:

We have seen a lot of violence in our lifetime.  Jesus said the "wars and rumors of war" would be a sign that we are living in the "last days", prior to HIS return to earth.

As we remember Pearl Harbor Day - as we remember the tremendous sacrifice of the lives lost on that day, and the lives lost in ALL of the wars that Americans have been involved in, before 1941 and after 1941 - let's be thankful for our freedoms.

As I ponder these events and these heroic actions of others, I'm reminded of what the Scriptures say:

Romans 5:6-9 (NKJV)
"For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him."


Think about it!

Friday, December 2, 2011


"I Shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord." (Psalms 118:17) 

I want to share my testimony with you today.  I am the typical male, who really has never been sick in all my life (outside of colds, etc) - so when things started happening to me in 2005, I had no clue as to what it was .... and I didn't even have a Doctor with whom to consult.

I was traveling on the weekends, when able, to preach the Word -- living in Tallahassee, FL -- working at a funeral home during the week.  For several weeks, I noticed that after dinner, my heart would race, but, I just thought, "I'm tired and I need more rest".  Then I had a nose bleed -- very unusual for me -- and it wouldn't stop for 24 hours --- again, the fact it finally stopped still did not alarm me.  Next I had a gum bleed (now that's weird) - didn't know what that was -- still it finally stopped, and I didn't seriously think about it.  Finally, I had blurry vision -- my conclusion was I need some new glasses!  So, I went to the local mall, and got my eyes examined.  After quite some time, the  lady who did the examination, came into the room and told me I could not have new glasses at this point -- because I had bleeding behind both eyes -- she said -- "Get to the Doctor Now!"

Not having a Doctor -- my wife, who was quite persistent against my objections, took me to a Walk-In Clinic nearby.  The Doctor there drew some blood, gave me a pill, sent me home -- and said they would call with the blood report.

In less than 24 hours, they were calling  -- asking me how I was standing (frankly I was sitting down at the time) -- they said my hemoglobin (red cells) count was less than 4 -- and it was supposed to be 13.  They insisted I go the hospital NOW!

Again, being the persistent wife that she is, Darla took me to the Hospital.  (You know people can die in a place like that -- even as they wait for what seemed like eternity -- to see a Doc -- ha!)  I stayed in the ER all night -- late that night, they started me on some units of blood.  I humorous tell people that Job's comforters came that night --- well three doctors come, clip board in hand -- and each one said "I know it is _____, and it's not good" --- after three different "guesses" of how bad I was -- they left (Thank God).

I was admitted to the hospital the next day -- spent a week there -- had more blood, etc. given to me -- and the notorious "bone marrow test"  OUCH.

The following week, the Doctor called me to his office to tell me that I had "Waldenstroms" --- now I didn't know anything about this -- but he said it was CANCER -- and I might have 7-9 years to live!  He said there was no cure and basically it was so rare - no hope in sight.

On my way home, God spoke to me a promise  "You shall not die, but live"  (It's from Psalms 118:17).
I grabbed hold of that promise!

Yes, I had to go through a lot of chemotherapy -- and even a "stem cell transplant" (my own cells) -- and YES, I am healed by the power of God.  My last visit to the Doctor confirmed that all my blood tests are NORMAL!

God told me if I would tell this story -- giving God all the glory -- that people who read it, or hear it, would be healed too!  Why don't YOU right now believe God for your miracle healing?  

I've shared this "word" all over the world.  This past March, I shared it before a group numbering in the thousands at a giant Crusade in Nakuru, Kenya.  Watch the video clip of that service below:

I travel all over the US and to Kenya to preach this Gospel and Heal the Sick.  Already this year, in services here in the States, two people have gotten up out of wheelchairs, healed by the power of God!

I'm so excited to give God all the glory for what HE has done in my life.  I owe HIM everything. HE paid the price for my salvation and my healing at the Cross.  HE did that for YOU too!

I'm available to share this Word, and Heal the Sick, where ever HE leads me.

May God's richest blessing be on you today.  May HIS healing power come on you -- and may HIS grace bring you peace. 
My friend, "Be healed now, in Jesus name!"