Friday, November 22, 2013

Where Were YOU?

Today, all around the world, people who are "old enough" will be asking each other --- "Where were you ..... when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated?"

It's been 50 years ago -- today -- when in Dallas, Texas, our President's life was snatched from him in just a few moments, as he rode in an open car through the streets of Dallas, Texas.

For me, I was between classes in the 7th Grade at Mowat Junior High School, in Panama City, FL, when the announcement was made over the PA system that our President had died.  To say the least -- school stopped that day for all of us..... I'll always remember later walking to the bus and viewing the American flag at half-mast.

Where were you?

Where were you on September 11, 2001? 

 It seemed like a dream -- a real nightmare, as we watched on TV the second plane fly into the Twin Towers in New York City.

The world changed forever that day!  We will never be the same!  Even though it's now been years ago, I remember that I personally was in the process of moving out of an apartment in Panama City (just blocks away from that same school, where I was in 1963) -- The one thing that we had not yet removed was my TV -- we ran and turned it on, after someone in the parking lot urged us to do so.  What did I see -- the TV images of that second plane.

Where were you?

Where WILL you be, when suddenly Jesus Christ appears in the clouds of heaven, as HE returns to rule and reign on this earth?

No, it hasn't happened yet --- BUT it WILL happen, and I believe it is sooner than most people think.

The Bible tells us that no one knows when -- so I'm not here to predict -- just to give you some good advice --- GET READY!

What is required to be ready?  I think it is as easy as ABC.

A -- believe that ALL have sinned, and need a Savior.

B -  BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who came to earth, died on a cross to save us, and arose from the dead on the third day, and is seated at God's right hand making intercession (praying) for us.

C - CONFESS that Jesus Christ is LORD, and receive HIM as the LORD (the one in charge) of your life.  CONFESS your need of HIM as your Savior, and let HIM be your LORD.


Let me ask you one more time:


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Day to Remember: Might vs. Right

Today, September 11, 2013 -- is a day to reflect on what happened to us all twelve years ago -- 9-11-01

For years we have all known that 911 is the number you call on the phone for an emergency.  But since that day twelve years ago, today, 9-11  has a new meaning.  It's the day when airplanes were used by terrorist to strike this nation. 

In the subsequent years since that day, we have sent American troops into Afghanistan, where we have searched and fought terrorist and groups like that and have paid dearly in loss of life and limb.  After twelve years there, we are still "bogged down" in the mire of conflict.  We have sent troops to Iraq and have successfully removed Saddam Hussein from power, and his subsequent death has changed little in the territory of sectarian violence.  Yes, Iraq has a new government, and we no longer have our troops there in mass, but how stable is this country?  That is open for debate.

We have seen additional conflicts in Libya, Egypt, Iran, and now Syria.  Our President and Congress are talking about what to do with Syria.  Sounds all the world like Old Testament Bible times, when all these areas are in constant conflict with Israel.

The weapons of warfare today are much different than in our father's day.  We are talking about biological and chemical weapons, which are so deadly. We are hearing about "cyber" attacks as well.  In addition the nuclear weapons are always a threat worldwide.

My point in remembering today is simply to raise the question. 

 Does MIGHT make RIGHT?

or does RIGHT make MIGHT?

America for all of our 237 year history has lived by the philosophy that MIGHT makes everything all RIGHT!  We have spent trillions of dollars to insure that we are the mightiest power in all the world.  We still spend a large percentage of our GDP on DEFENSE.  During the "cold war" days, we had a foreign policy of "mutual destruction" -- amassing so many missiles and warheads to counter what the Russians had, etc.

With all our MIGHT -- a rag-tag group of terrorist moved into America and learn to fly airplanes right here amongst us. Then boarded those planes and flew then into the World Trade Center -- causing 3,000 people to go into eternity.

During the days after 9-11-01 -- Americans flooded our churches to pray.  BUT, we did not REPENT!


How soon we forgot!  And, every year on this day we REMEMBER!  Remember what?  Remember those who died? yes -- Remember the heroes (the police, firemen, and other first responders)?  yes!

Do we remember WHY?  Was it our arrogance and lack of holiness that opened the door to attack?  I think so!  

Jonathan Cahn - a Jewish man - wrote a book not long ago, that ought to shake the foundations of this nation.  It's call "Harbinger".  In this book, Mr. Cahn points out some unique "coincidences" about what happened on that day, and what is happening now!  I do not believe they are "coincidences" --- God was and is speaking to America.  Are we listening?   If you haven't read the book - I urge you to get your copy today. You won't put it down, until you finish it.  AND, when you finish the book, please get on your knees and let's repent!


 "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach....."
 Proverbs 14:34

We can no longer stand on our MIGHT --- we must first be RIGHT!  

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Spiritual Profiling

The nation has just went through a long drawn-out "made for television" court trial (similar to the O.J. Simpson trial) - and at the heart of the matter was the issue of "profiling".

There is something more sinister going on inside many churches today --- spiritual profiling - that's where one's worth and contribution to that church is judged by how they look - whether they can sing on the platform (even though they are extremely talented) or not is determined by the local "profiling police" (AKA - the critics on the pew who complain to the leaders and basically "call the shots")

If someone doesn't look just right -- then they must sit down.  No - we won't sit down and talk to then, to inquire if there is or is not a problem -- we'll just judge them - and if they don't match our criteria of "platform worthy" -- then off they go.  We've got to keep our platform "holy" - don't you know!  
What does that mean anyway?

From our pulpits we hear the cry -- "everybody is welcome here" -- but that only means, you are welcome to come and sit -- welcome to give -- but not welcome to minister (unless you pass the test of what is holy or not).  Better not dress too well -- be careful to not look too "worldly" or "pretty" -- someone might not think well of you.

This foolishness is damaging to people.  It is demeaning and not worthy of the Kingdom of God.  It's time to give it up in the Church world -- and NOW !

What do you think?

Friday, May 3, 2013


In much, if not all, of the church world today, Pastors and church leaders are struggling to find the "magic combination"  - the special event or thing that they can do to get a crowd and to keep a crowd.
In many areas, somewhat bizarre things are being done --- give aways -- free this, and free that-- friend day -- pack a pew day (hard to do in some places, since they only have chairs) -- gimmick after gimmick.   We get people to come to our service or event -- and then we have to work even harder to keep them.

I heard a Pastor tell me years ago, when I first went into the ministry, that whatever you do to attract them, you'll have to do even more to keep them.  I think Jesus had the same idea, when he fed 5,000 men -- later, he had to feed another 4,000 -- and then he found too many people who only came for the free lunch!

The world is "going to hell in a hand-basket" -- things are not getting better, are they?  Some are wishing and maybe even praying for another Awakening in America.  I don't know if that can happen. It seems that we are rapidly heading down a slippery slope to destruction as a nation.  We've snubbed God for so long -- liberals seem to be in control of everything.  What is the answer?

What we need in America is another Pentecost!  We need churches to be "endued with power from on high" -- we need Christians to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  We need Pastor who will be unashamed to allow the Holy Spirit to move in their service -- we need the gifts of the Holy Spirit (that Paul in Corinthians said we can have) -- we need people are unashamed to pray in the Spirit  (that's prayer in tongues).  We seem to be more concerned with offending somebody -- and all the while we are offending the Holy Spirit!!!

In just a few days, on the church calendar is a date -- Pentecost Sunday.  It's time we had an explosion of Holy Spirit power in all our churches!!

What the world needs is a power-filled church!  Who cares about our fancy buildings?  Who cares about our technology and slick presentations?  WE NEED THE POWER!

Power to change lives doesn't come from psychology.  Power to heal the sick doesn't come from the medical community.  Power to heal marriages doesn't come from counseling.  Power to heal relationships doesn't come from a focus group.  Power to heal our nation doesn't come from Washington, DC.   IT COMES FROM PENTECOST!

God give us a "mighty wind" again!  God give us "tongues of fire" again!  God give us the POWER again!  Shake us once again!!!  Are YOU ready??

Monday, March 25, 2013

Who's In Charge of HIS Church?

The World of Catholicism has now selected their 266th Leader - call 'The Pope'.  They use a term "Vicar of Christ" to describe this position.  By definition, the word "vicar" means a representative or deputy.  I am not writing today to in any way disparage the current Pope from Venezuela.  There are a lot of people expecting this man to be a positive role model for the Roman Catholic church -- to lead them past the scandals, both sexual and financial.

I'm writing this post today to talk about the real question:  "Who's in Charge of HIS Church?

I'm not referring to a denomination or even whether it's Catholic or Protestant.  I'm referring to HIS church -- the one that Jesus Christ died on the cross to birth -- the church HE said that HE would build, "and the gates of hell cannot prevail against."  I'm referring to the Kingdom Church!

The "Church" by definition is the "ecclesia" (Greek word) which means "the called out ones.".  It's not a word used for a building, a local group, or a denomination -- but an organism made up of people  - worldwide and across all boundaries.  We know that the "ecclesia" shows up, especially in America, as local 'churches' (referring to congregations and buildings), denominations (Catholic, Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, etc.).  In each of these uses of the word, we're dealing with PEOPLE --- somebody is "in charge" of the local group -- the state group -- the national group.  What is so sad is when the emphasis is more on the local 'in charge person' instead of  the Kingdom.

The word "Kingdom" means -- the domain of the King.  We celebrate each year during Easter - the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  HE did all that to birth a KINGDOM -- not a religion.  Please note that in a Kingdom -- the KING is the main player -- the King is not elected or reelected by any man - the King's word is binding -- and the King takes care of his subjects (people who live in his Kingdom).   So now, think with me --- if the KING is in charge and HIS word is binding, then what place does all this other bureaucratic stuff have in the Kingdom?

The word "religion" refers to something made by man -- ordered and administered by man -- and is very capricious.  Man's opinion rules in religions, and it is subject to change (sometimes as quickly as the weather changes).  Religion favors a political edge, especially in America with our democratic mode of government.  For all the good the United States has done over the years in missionary efforts and charitable works, the one terrible thing we have imported is our "democratic religion" -- "of the people, by the people, and for the people"  

What is the difference between Religion and Kingdom --- a world of difference.  In the Kingdom, Jesus Christ is the HEAD -- unquestionably and peerless.  His Word is our command - His Will is our purpose -- and in the words of John the Baptist..."HE must increase and I decrease".

Guess what -- in religion, I count -- my voice is important -- my wishes need attention.  In the Kingdom, NONE of that matters!!

We witness daily the demise of local congregations, where leaders who are so heady, fight, split, cause strife -- all in the name of our Resurrected Lord.  This should never happen.

Listen Pastors -- it's not your church - it is HIS church!  Listen Deacons and Lay Leaders -- it's not about you!  It's not your Kingdom -- it's not your "church"!  You have no right to dictate anything -- it's your privilege to obey HIM and follow HIS Word in all matters.

When our Religion finally becomes His Kingdom, and HE is truly LORD of HIS Church -- then we won't worry about the "smoke signals" from the Vatican Chapel -- we won't worry about the latest "Board Meeting" -- the latest congregational vote- or the latest visit from the Bishop! NO, we will only be concerned about finding His will and purpose -- and fulfilling that Great Commission to go all over the world to make disciples of His Kingdom.

What do you think?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013



Raila Odinga
Many of you know of my interest in the nation of Kenya -- having traveled to that country in East Africa, and having ministered there many times of the past two years.  I am appealing to all my Blog readers and friends on Facebook, to join me this weekend in earnest prayer for the people of Kenya, as they will go to the polls on Monday, March 4, 2013, to elect their next President and other leaders, including Governors, senators, county representatives, and members of Parliament. 

 There is a special reason for my asking for your prayers.  Last Presidential election led to such violence that over one-thousand people died.  The disruption was only stopped with the International community stepped in, and a power-sharing government was established between the top two candidates, Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga  (they became President and Prime Minister respectively).  It has taken all these four years to "calm the waters" of the nation.  The people of Kenya do not want another violent election.

Uhuru Kenyatta
Unlike the USA, where we usually have just two candidates from two parties (sometimes a third party candidate runs) -- there are many parties in Kenya.  They form alliances together to unite.  This will be the first election under the newly adopted Constitution (adopted in 2010).  There are eight candidates for President.  These include:  Raila Odinga, Uhuru Kenyatta, Martha Karua, Peter Kenneth, James Ole Kiyapi, Paul Muite, Musalia Mudavadi, and Mohamed Abduba Dida.

According to the recent opinion polls coming out of Kenya, the top two Candidates and their running mates are:  Raila Odinga/Kalonzo Musyoka (current prime minister and vice president - the CORD alliance); Uhuru Kenyatta/William Ruto (son of Kenya's first president, and former minister of agriculture and higher education).

Kalonzo Musyoka

William Ruto

Under the new Constitution, a candidate must get 50% plus 1 of the national vote PLUS at least 25% of the votes in half of Kenya's 47 counties.  If no clear winner on March 4th, there will be a second round of voting scheduled for April 11.  There are reported to be 14.3 million registered voters in the nation.

Tribalism is an issue in the political arena of Kenya.  Odinga is of the Luo tribe, and Kenyatta depends on the Kikuyu tribe.  Land is a big issue this year.  Kenyatta's family is reported to own over 1/2 million acres of land in Kenya.  Many in the nation don't own any land.

Fall out from last election hangs over this election.  Odinga was part of the dispute last time.  Kenyatta has had to answer charges from the International Criminal Court on his role in the violence following that last election where over 1,000 Kenyan's died.

Now you see why I am calling for PRAYER for Kenya NOW.  Pray for God's direction for their leadership, and most of all, PRAY FOR PEACE!

I met last year a fine Baptist missionary lady who barely escaped Kenya with her life in 2007 following that election and the violence.  I have communicated with many Kenyan pastors, and they are ALL praying for PEACE.

Will you take a few minutes and pray before Monday for the Peace of God to rule in Kenya?

Thank you!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Your Favorite god

I received in the mail the other day, some catalogs from publishing companies.  I am used to receiving these, as I have ordered products from them in the past as a Senior Pastor.  Tucked inside the calendars was a small booklet, which was actually the introduction and first chapter of a new book, written by Kyle Idleman from Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY.  I was intrigued by the title "gods at war"  - so I read it.

Kyle made a statement that hit me, like a seed implanted in my spirit.  He said, "The Bible's paradigm is absolutely different.  When we hear God say, 'You shall have no other gods before,' we think of it as a hierarchy; that is, God is always in first place. But there are no 'places.'  God isn't interested in competing against others or being first among many.  God will not be part of any hierarchy."

Wow!  As I have been praying and thinking, here's what I heard the Holy Spirit say:
"I do not want to be your favorite god!"

When God gave the Ten Commandments (the statement about "no other gods" was the first commandment given), the people has just come from being in Egypt.  That land was full of gods, everywhere.  Now, THE GOD says NO gods but ME!

Are we any different today?  Don't we see thousands of gods everywhere in our society.  Remember that an "idol" by definition is "something worshipped".  People worship their jobs - their cars - their houses - their kids - their position - their status - themselves (look at the fashion industry).  Humanism and hedonism is rampant today in the world. Some, even in the church world, worship styles of music, formats of services - programs -  even worshipping worship. 

We worship musical "stars" - movie "stars" - TV "stars"  -- by the fact we call them "stars" means we are elevating them to a status to be worshipped. We even have a popular musical talent TV show called "American Idol" -- Wow!

Remember - anything that you value or place before (actually means, "in the presence of") GOD, is your idol.  What do you worship today?  What is so important to you today that you could not walk away from it?  What stands "in the presence" of GOD today?  HE said - "no gods in my presence'.

I heard HIM say .... "I do not want to be your favorite god....I AM GOD all by myself"

Saturday, January 19, 2013

2013 The Year of Jericho Victory

Ruins of Old City Walls of Jericho

The New Year has come!

I remember when people were frightened about Y2K -- the year 2000.  Many predicted that the world would end or the computers would crash resulting in mass chaos, etc.

Then there was the Mayans of 2012 -- the world would end, because their calendar said so....

As I reflected upon this new year, I was reminded of the city of Jericho.  In the Bible this was the first city of conquest for the children of Israel, who were returning to their land after having been in Egyptian bondage for many years.

This city was a walled city - a place that no one had been able to conquer until this group of Israelites marched across the Red Sea on dry ground, and had journeyed for 40 years around and around in the desert.  All the "unbelieving and doubting" ones had died, a whole generation of them.  Now the younger generation had grown up, tired of walking in circles.  Under the leadership of the apprentice of Moses, Joshua, they now were ready to take possession of what had been promised to them by God.  But Jericho stood in the way!

God gave them HIS instructions.  March around the walled city once a day for six days.  On the seventh day they were to march around the walls seven times.  What was most unique about this battle plan -- they had to be quiet for all those trips around the walled city, until sometime during that last trip around the walls - round 13.

On the seventh day - the seventh trip around that day (the 13th total trip around), when the trumpets blasted the people were commanded to SHOUT!  When they did, the walls of the city collapsed, and the people took the city. [Look at the photo above ... the archaeological 'digs' show us the walls that fell down, never to be rebuilt again]

I heard the Lord speak to me that there are many walls that we, God's people, have been walking around .... walls of opposition ... walls of sickness ... walls of stress ... walls of lack ....walls of unemployment .... walls of financial burdens .... walls of demonic oppression ... walls of disease .... walls of lack of spiritual power.  This year 2013 --- the 13th year of this new millennium - is our year to SHOUT -- OUR YEAR TO DECREE AND DECLARE A YEAR OF VICTORY!

I believe that the walls are going to come down in 2013!

Get ready to SHOUT!  Get ready for VICTORY in 2013!

Do you believe it?