Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas is for Children

We are just hours away from Christmas Day, 2009. The gifts are all wrapped ...the bows are trying to hang on .... before the tornado hits (when colorful paper flies .... bows get ripped off.... you know the scene)...the cookie jar is now half-empty ...the candy bowl is looking a little weak....Christmas is coming! You know that it is so true ..."Christmas is for children" --- maybe I should say, "Christmas brings the child out of all of us!" This year, I have the honor of visiting with my oldest son, Rusty and his lovely wife, Victoria --- but, really I came to see Ruthie!!! (just kidding). Ruthie is our first grandchild! She is now seven months old ... she's sitting up ....not running yet!! But, she is so pleasant -- so cute -- she is a real young "heart-throb". Last night, we took her to the mall to visit with Santa (her first)....after waiting through that long line, her mommy and daddy were all smiles camera rolling ... she sat down in his lap ...looked up at him and smiled! I wondered what she was thinking ..... All the flash bulbs popping....One man sitting near by told me ... "she's not my grand kid...but it was worth the wait to see her!"

Think what those shepherds in the field that first Christmas night must have thought they heard the angels proclaim "A King is born" .... think what they must have thought when they first saw that baby "wrapped in swaddling clothes"..... God in the flesh! Wow! This child was God Himself ....The greatest event of history ...a baby in a manger ....the Savior of the world as a child!

I wonder if you have really realized the truth that Christmas really is about children ... the Christ-child. Have you invited this baby to become the King of your life? Have you let the 'reason for the season' become your Savior? You can today. You can right now! "God so loved the world that He gave His only Son ....that you might have everlasting life"

Merry Christmas to you all! May the Christ of Christmas be the Lord of your life everyday in the New Year!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Begin Again in 2010

In just a few days now, 2009 will be history. What a year! I'm thankful for all that God has done for me this year -- but frankly, I'm glad this year is near completion. I'm ready for a new year - a new beginning - a new slate - a new day. This has not been an easy year for me. Many of the things I hoped for, just did not come to pass. I've had many disappointments this year --- many supposed friends have walked away.
The economy has really hurt us all this year. With record unemployment in America, many families just cannot see how they can go on. The cost of living only continues to escalate, with no end in sight. Our national leaders continue to talk about 'hope' out of one side of their mouth, but plunge us further into debt. Even our new President who rode a wave of "hope" into the White House -- now is mired so deep in Washington politics that the American people are losing hope in him.
Where is real hope anyway? The 'old-timers' (me included) used to sing a song, "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness." The refrain of that song says, "On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!".
That's the hope! That's the way out! That's the way to true happiness -- Christ the Solid Rock. Not much else in this life has any "stick-a-bility" - when jobs leave - when money leaves - when friends leave - when hope leaves -- there is ONE who will never leave. HE is solid! He's my Rock.
So goodbye 2009 -- take your grief with you. I want to "Begin Again in 2010"! A New day is coming ... a new year is coming... I know who will be standing in the doorway of 2010 when I get there -- Jesus the Solid Rock!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas for the World

We are now in the middle of the Christmas "rush". We've survived 'Black Friday' -- where thousands spent more than they should on stuff that hopefully their family and friends will love. Now it's time to settle down and ask ourselves the question -- "What's the rush all about?" To many this is a season of depression -- remembering lost dreams -- lost jobs -- lost friendships -- lost sense of importance and appreciation. It's not all "joy" to the world to many! Fact is, we just heard that a large number of our Marines will be leaving home to spend Christmas in a country around the world - somewhat hostile and dangerous to their well-being, in the defense of democracy and freedom worldwide. What's it all about? The first-century apostle, named John, said it so well, "God so loved the world, that He gave His Son...." Think about it. God is so madly in love with this world of people that He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to the world to redeem us (to buy us back from the arch-enemy of God himself - Satan). What a price to pay -- His Son for me! His Son for you! So you're thinking what I'm thinking -- ME? I don't deserve that love! Neither do you! That's the surprise of Christmas -- God loves you, no matter what you've done or not done -- just like you are. Of course HE loves you too much to leave you the way He finds you -- HE came to change us -- to restore us -- to make us better than we are now. God is so inclusive -- HE loves the whole world! The believing world - the unbelieving world - the atheist world - the Muslim world - the Hindu world - the world of people -- whoever and wherever. The invitation has gone out -- Come -- Receive --Accept! What are you going to do with this special Gift this year? I hope you'll receive, accept, and open the package and enjoy new life! Need help in understand how to receive this gift? Need prayer? Email me.