Friday, December 23, 2011


Darla and I wish you each of you the very 
best Christmas ever!
It's not just a saying, it is truth: 
 "Jesus IS the reason for the season" 
It's not the tree, lights, or the gifts -- it's the 
GIFT of Life that Jesus Christ came to bring us!

Bless you all!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Today, December 7, 2011, is the 70th Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor (in Hawaii) by the Japanese.  On that Sunday morning, 70 years ago today, while the sailors and soldiers slept -  353 Japanese fighter planes attacked us in waves --- Eight (8) US Navy battleships were damaged, with four (4) being sunk.  The Japanese also sank or damaged three (3) cruisers, three (3) destroyers, an anti-aircraft training ship, and one mine layer ship.  One hundred eighty-eight (188) US aircraft were destroyed.  Two thousand four hundred and two (2,402) Americans died that morning. One thousand two hundred eighty-two (1,282) Americans were wounded.  

I wasn't alive back then, but I can still remember the stories of survivors, family, and teachers who recounted what happened that day.  Hollywood has made documentaries and movies about this day. I've seen many of them. We remember the photos and the voices from the past.....

The sinking of the USS Arizona is commemorated in the port of Pearl Harbor to this day 
-- many Americans are buried at that site.

On the following day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt (on Monday, December 8, 1941) addressed the nation and the US Congress, and declared that the United States was now at war with Japan.  Later, we would declare war on Germany and Italy -- and thus, we entered World War II. Before the war would end in 1945 - over four hundred sixteen thousand American military personnel would die (416, 837). 

You can go the this link below and watch and hear a clip of President Roosevelt's speech before the nation, declaring war:

We have seen a lot of violence in our lifetime.  Jesus said the "wars and rumors of war" would be a sign that we are living in the "last days", prior to HIS return to earth.

As we remember Pearl Harbor Day - as we remember the tremendous sacrifice of the lives lost on that day, and the lives lost in ALL of the wars that Americans have been involved in, before 1941 and after 1941 - let's be thankful for our freedoms.

As I ponder these events and these heroic actions of others, I'm reminded of what the Scriptures say:

Romans 5:6-9 (NKJV)
"For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him."


Think about it!

Friday, December 2, 2011


"I Shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord." (Psalms 118:17) 

I want to share my testimony with you today.  I am the typical male, who really has never been sick in all my life (outside of colds, etc) - so when things started happening to me in 2005, I had no clue as to what it was .... and I didn't even have a Doctor with whom to consult.

I was traveling on the weekends, when able, to preach the Word -- living in Tallahassee, FL -- working at a funeral home during the week.  For several weeks, I noticed that after dinner, my heart would race, but, I just thought, "I'm tired and I need more rest".  Then I had a nose bleed -- very unusual for me -- and it wouldn't stop for 24 hours --- again, the fact it finally stopped still did not alarm me.  Next I had a gum bleed (now that's weird) - didn't know what that was -- still it finally stopped, and I didn't seriously think about it.  Finally, I had blurry vision -- my conclusion was I need some new glasses!  So, I went to the local mall, and got my eyes examined.  After quite some time, the  lady who did the examination, came into the room and told me I could not have new glasses at this point -- because I had bleeding behind both eyes -- she said -- "Get to the Doctor Now!"

Not having a Doctor -- my wife, who was quite persistent against my objections, took me to a Walk-In Clinic nearby.  The Doctor there drew some blood, gave me a pill, sent me home -- and said they would call with the blood report.

In less than 24 hours, they were calling  -- asking me how I was standing (frankly I was sitting down at the time) -- they said my hemoglobin (red cells) count was less than 4 -- and it was supposed to be 13.  They insisted I go the hospital NOW!

Again, being the persistent wife that she is, Darla took me to the Hospital.  (You know people can die in a place like that -- even as they wait for what seemed like eternity -- to see a Doc -- ha!)  I stayed in the ER all night -- late that night, they started me on some units of blood.  I humorous tell people that Job's comforters came that night --- well three doctors come, clip board in hand -- and each one said "I know it is _____, and it's not good" --- after three different "guesses" of how bad I was -- they left (Thank God).

I was admitted to the hospital the next day -- spent a week there -- had more blood, etc. given to me -- and the notorious "bone marrow test"  OUCH.

The following week, the Doctor called me to his office to tell me that I had "Waldenstroms" --- now I didn't know anything about this -- but he said it was CANCER -- and I might have 7-9 years to live!  He said there was no cure and basically it was so rare - no hope in sight.

On my way home, God spoke to me a promise  "You shall not die, but live"  (It's from Psalms 118:17).
I grabbed hold of that promise!

Yes, I had to go through a lot of chemotherapy -- and even a "stem cell transplant" (my own cells) -- and YES, I am healed by the power of God.  My last visit to the Doctor confirmed that all my blood tests are NORMAL!

God told me if I would tell this story -- giving God all the glory -- that people who read it, or hear it, would be healed too!  Why don't YOU right now believe God for your miracle healing?  

I've shared this "word" all over the world.  This past March, I shared it before a group numbering in the thousands at a giant Crusade in Nakuru, Kenya.  Watch the video clip of that service below:

I travel all over the US and to Kenya to preach this Gospel and Heal the Sick.  Already this year, in services here in the States, two people have gotten up out of wheelchairs, healed by the power of God!

I'm so excited to give God all the glory for what HE has done in my life.  I owe HIM everything. HE paid the price for my salvation and my healing at the Cross.  HE did that for YOU too!

I'm available to share this Word, and Heal the Sick, where ever HE leads me.

May God's richest blessing be on you today.  May HIS healing power come on you -- and may HIS grace bring you peace. 
My friend, "Be healed now, in Jesus name!"

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Watch this exciting clip of a couple of Maasai brothers, Daniel and Ole Toninio, who dance for the Lord with such joy and enthusiasm.

Back in March of this year (2011), I traveled to Nakuru, Kenya, with a large team of believers to minister to the people in that large city.  The outdoor Crusade and Pastor's conference was sponsored by ICCL (International Center for Christian Leadership).  We saw thousands of people come to know Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives.  We ministered to the inmates at both the men and women's prisons in town, seeing hundreds come to Christ.  Our team ministered God's grace on the streets, in orphanages, and even to the people living in the city dump.

Watch the clip below about the people living in the dump, which Metro Church, pastored by Mike Brawan, feeds and helps every week.

One of the highlights of this crusade was meeting Daniel and Ole -- these Maasai tribal men, who love Jesus, travel all over the world --- jumping, dancing, singing, and preaching the Good News of Jesus.
Man, can they jump!!!

Why shouldn't they jump for joy!  They been redeemed by the blood of Jesus -- they have been brought out of darkness, into the glorious light of God's love --- They are truly dancing for joy!

Now, I can't jump like they do -- everybody knows "white men can't jump" !! ha!  But the joy of Jesus is just a real to me .... Isn't that what Christmas is celebrating?  JOY to the World -- the LORD has come!

Why don't you get up and JUMP FOR JOY?  Go ahead and do it now!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Watch this short video clip -- and tell me now -- Does God still heal people today?

This video was filmed just this past Sunday at Cross Point Church in Paola, KS, where my son, Rusty is Lead Pastor.  God is moving in a supernatural way in every service at this church (located just south of Kansas City).  For more information on this church go to their Web site (click link):  Cross Point

I've seen firsthand the mighty hand of a loving God heal people in Kenya -- blind eyes opened -- limp limbs restored -- crippled legs healed -- hearing restored -- yes !   I've seen two people, just this year, get up out of wheelchairs, here in the USA, in my services!  To God be all the glory!

In this age of skepticism, it's good to know that God still works "in mysterious ways, HIS wonders to perform...."

What healing do you need?  What miracle do you need?  Today could be your day.

In 2005, I was personally diagnosed with "Waldenstroms" -- a cancer of the blood ---  today, I am healed by the grace and power of God! Yes, I have walked through the "valley" -- but the Lord gave me a promise -- "I shall live, and not die, and declare the works of the Lord" (Psalm 118:17) -- I know HE lives -- and I know HE heals!

Let me pray for you right now - as you read this prayer -- release your faith for a "touch" from the Master:

"Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, Son of God, I pray right now for my friends who are reading this prayer and are believing YOU for a touch from your hand.  I take authority over every sickness and disease that plagues their body.  I rebuke the Devil in Jesus name, and command the healing to come forth in their body.  Sickness GO in Jesus name!  
Disease GO in Jesus name! 
Cancer, GO in Jesus name!
Be healed in Jesus name - NOW!"

Lift up your voice and begin to Praise the Lord!  You are healed in Jesus name!  

Let me know what God is doing in your life!  Be blessed!

Monday, November 28, 2011


A phenomenon that has really taken off in the business world since 2005, is this special day -- today -- "CYBER MONDAY" --the Monday after Thanksgiving.  Retailers are "banking" on millions, if not billions, of dollars of "on-line" sales to really boost their "bottom line."

Oh the wonders of computers !   When they work well, all is well -- when they don't --- well, you know how frustrating that is.....

In 2006 -- on-line sales on "Cyber Monday" were $610 million.

In 2007 - they were $730 million

In 2008 - they were $846 million

In 2009 - they were $887 million

In 2010 - they were $1 Billion, 28 Million

Now you see why so much attention is being given to sales for Christmas on this day.

Merchants are offering deep discounts, and free shipping.
Who wouldn't want to get a "deal" today?

I was thinking today about the spiritual significance of this phenomenon  - the computer age of commerce which they now call e-commerce, as it relates to our lives.

As great as the computer is -- and as great the wonder of technology - have you ever stopped to realize who really created this?   some say Steve Jobs or Bill Gates.
Who really has the creative power of information and technology?  You guessed it -- God

God can hear every prayer, prayed by every person on planet earth -- all at the same time - and yet HE gives personal attention to each petitioner.
God even knows what you need, before you ask.
HE delights in answering your requests, and loves to bless his children.

Somebody rightly said that God has three answers to prayers:




I have to admit, I like the "yes" answer --- sometimes HE says "no" because HE knows better for me.
Often HE tells me "wait" -- and that is hardest to do ... God is always ON TIME -- never late -- and I add, "seldom early" - Ha!

Seriously, spend time with God today in prayer.  Tell HIM what you think you need --- pour out your heart and soul to HIM -- HE is listening - and HE will answer you!

Oh yes -- all his answers are PAID FOR ---and there is always FREE SHIPPING !

Friday, November 25, 2011


The Friday after Thanksgiving has been called "Black Friday" for a number of years now.  Originally the Philadelphia police nicknamed this day, due to the heavy traffic and pedestrian shoppers which caused great traffic jams in the city that day.

Later merchants began to call it "Black Friday" - because they believed that that day would bring their sales totals into "the black" (a bookkeeping term - when negative revenue was indicated as RED, and positive income was in BLACK)

So, today - Friday, November 25, 2011 - merchants both big and small across America are counting on such tremendous sales totals, that they will end the year in the "Black" - showing profit, not loss.

So today stores will open earlier than usual -- some all night before the day -- and will offer tremendous "deals" - all to entice us to spend, spend, spend-- so that they can profit, profit, profit!

How many of us, personally are living our lives like these merchants --- going all year long in the "RED", then hoping near the end of our life to finally get into the "BLACK"

We live so much of our lives for ourselves --- hoping that one day, we will become more dedicated to God, before the final check-out!

Many churches do the same thing --- go all year long with few people coming to know Christ as Lord and Savior -- then hoping that at the annual Christmas pageant that all the souls won, will make up the difference, and they will end up in the "BLACK" on their annual church report.
What a sad way to live.  What a sad way to conduct the Church!

Think about it!  Are you waiting for "BLACK FRIDAY" to turn your life around?
Are you waiting for that SOMEDAY, when you'll change the way your life, and become more profitable?

What happens if SOMEDAY doesn't come soon enough for you?
What happens if your "accounting day" comes sooner than you think?

Judgment Day (Accounting Day) is coming for each of us!

Think about it!  

Sunday, November 20, 2011


For sometime now I've been thinking and meditating on the subject I write about today --- "The Salesman and the Prostitute"  -  What do they have in common?   The Salesman is trying to convince you that you need what he has to offer -- even if you don't think you need it -- he is persistent and at times "overbearing".  The Prostitute has something to offer -- herself or himself -- and is trying to convince you that you need what they have to offer.

What does this have to do with KINGDOM CONCEPTS??  I'm writing today on the behalf of thousands of sincere servants of our Lord Jesus Christ - who are willing and ready to give everything they have to reach the unreached people of this world --- I'm writing about our Missionaries and our Evangelists.

Evangelists are God-called men and woman who are called to Preach the Gospel

These faithful servants are called by God --- they are part of the Five-fold Ministry of Jesus Christ.
Remember a few months ago, I wrote an article about "The Head of the Church" -- where I reminded us that God gave the Church five ministers --  Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. 
We must have the ministry of ALL five of these ministries.....not just from the Pastor.

I don't know of any missions organization that adequately has a plan in place to fund the many men and women that volunteer to go to the four-corners of the earth to proclaim the Gospel to people who have never heard of Jesus.

I don't know of any religious organization that has in place a mechanism to fund the travels of Evangelists - men and women who are called to travel the world, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

NO -  we make our Missionaries and our Evangelist become SALESMAN -- or if I can be so bold -- PROSTITUTES -- I know some of you are going to be angry with me for making that comparison, but hear me out ..... When a man or woman of God has to spend all their time, money, and effort to SELL themselves --- begging for a place to preach, so that they can obtain the funding for their work -- then what else will you call them???

I heard of a missionary just recently, who made 100 telephone calls -- got 10 people to answer -- and obtained 1 speaking engagement.  That's 1%.

Now I don't like telemarketers anymore than you do -- but, this is what our missionaries have become!
This is NOT right!!

I have always considered our Missionaries to be Heroes of the Faith -- they leave all the comforts of American life  (or from whatever country they leave behind) -- and are willing, ready, able, and excited to live in another part of the planet -- to take their families with them -- and we treat them like SALESMAN or PROSTITUTES !

This is NOT right!

For all the money that BIG denominations take in each year -- to pay for giant Headquarter buildings, and bloated staff with large salaries -- somewhere in there should be funds to send missionaries -- funds to help evangelists!

Once again, let me pick on my Pastor friends -- remember I am one of them -- answering that phone call, that email, that letter -- would be a great start!
Do Not Avoid the call of a dedicated servant of God!
Do Not Ignore their requests!


Stop promising to "return the call" when you have no intention on doing so!
Stop putting them off!  Be honest and up front with them.
The Missionary and the Evangelist are JUST AS MUCH A CALLED SERVANT OF THE GOSPEL AS YOU ARE!!!

They are a part of the Five-Fold Ministry, as you are!  You NEED THEM, just as they need YOU!

Stop treating the Missionary and the Evangelist as if they were a Salesman or a Prostitute --- begging you to buy their wares!  They are fellow-servants of our Lord Jesus Christ.

What do you think?
Pass this post along to your Pastor or Missions committee at your Church!

Friday, November 11, 2011


Occupy Wall Street

We are witnessing a phenomenon all across the world -- in New York, it is called "Occupy Wall Street".  In every major city in the USA, there is some type "occupation" going on.  Although I don't understand all the reasoning, it does remind me of the 60's when people flooded the streets to protest the Vietnam War.  It reminds me of "Woodstock" when "free love" was freely being portrayed in a somewhat dramatic and graphic manner.
The participants of these protests range from students to
politicians -  it seems that most of them are definitely among the "unemployed" or at least the "under-employed" of America.  They seem to be bolstered by what the media has called "Arab Spring" - when we witnessed entire governments toppled by protesters throughout the Arab world -- Egypt, Tunisia, Libya.....

I looked up the definition online of the word, "occupy" -- just to clarify for myself what we are talking about.  I found 5 different definitions:
1.  To fill up  (time or space)
2. To dwell or reside in
3. To hold or fill (an office or position)
4. To seize possession of and maintain control over by or as if by conquest
5. To engage or employ the attention or concentration of

Seems that these protestors are content on definitions # 4 and #5.

I am writing this blog today on November 11, 2011.

Although this is traditionally Veterans Day, and we do honor and appreciate the sacrifice of every person who has served in our military - to serve and protect the United States of America.  God bless our Vets!

However, because of this unique day, all around the world persons of faith are praying for the move of God, and for His mercy to be extended to mankind.  We definitely need the intervention of God in our lives.

As I was meditating on this thought, the Lord kept reminding me of the verse of Scripture found in Luke 19:13. Now the story Jesus is telling is about a businessman who was leaving to go on a trip for some time, and gave his servants "minas" ('pounds') -- money!
Jesus said the businessman's instructions were simply, but emphatic:

I looked up that word in the original Greek (the language in which the New Testament was written), and the word used is transliterated "pragmateuomai" --  and it is rendered "TRADE YE"

This verse in various translations:
King James Version:   "Occupy til I come"
New King James Version:  "Do Business till I come"
Message:  "Operate with this, until I return"
New Living Translation:  "Invest this for me while I am gone"
Amplified Bible:  "Buy and sell with these while I go and then return"
New International Version:  "Put this to work until I come back"

It is clear that the businessman in this story by Jesus fully intends his money to be invested and used to the fullest for the good of his business.  When he returns (in the story), he rewards the servants who succeeded, and curses the servant who failed to even try.

This is a story that completely applies to us today.  Yes, there is greed on Wall Street, and there is greed on Main Street too!  Yes, there are abuses of the system, but that should not excuse anyone from working.
Yes, we have higher unemployment that we need -- and we pray that God will help us turn this around quickly.
The heart of the matter is not the RICH against the POOR.  It really is about JOBS for those willing to WORK.

As these dear citizens protest the abuses ... they are NOT working, are they?
Can't look for a job, living in Zuccotti Park -- or any street park in America!
Some have even degenerated into criminal activity - and that will get them a jail cell, quicker than anything!

Beyond the obvious need for jobs in America, I believe there is a broader and specific message out of all this for the Body of Christ.

Jesus taught the lesson recorded in Luke 19 not just to promote a good work ethic.  He was teaching a spiritual lesson that as the "Body of Christ" on earth, we are to OCCUPY UNTIL HE COMES BACK.

We are not to just fill up space .... we are not to just dwell and reside on earth ... we are not to just hold  or fill up a position in life --- we are to represent the Kingdom of God for good.

We are called to DO BUSINESS for God!  We are called to INVEST our lives in the lives of others!
We are to WORK for the causes of Christ -- to serve HIM as we serve our fellowman.
We are to pray and serve!

As I was preparing to write this blog .. I received a prayer alert from Cindy Jacobs that prophetically speaks to what we as Christians MUST do.  Below is what she wrote:

"For the Lord says the United States is fast approaching her 'tipping point.'  I am ready, say God, to reach out and balance but even if tremendous prayer is poured out, it will only steady the nation for a season unless there is a heart-felt turning back to the Lord.
The Lion of Judah is shaking His mane over the economy and shaking of many systems of greed will be brought low. The constriction of the financial structures will hit the poor but it is time for my people to understand that if they give to the poor they will not lack.
There are hidden plots being hatched on many levels that need to be uncovered. Plots of anarchy on various levels from minor to large. The Spirit of Anarchy will try and manifest to hold captive and terrorize the cities and this must be turned in prayer.  Terrorist are moving behind the scenes to hit more than one target at a time to strike terror in the hearts of people.
However, one will put a thousand to flight and two, ten thousand! I will expose and uncover those who plot together with unlikely partnerships if my people pray!  There are some nations who are saying they are at peace with the United States but it is only a ploy. Intercede for exposure of these alliances.
I am calling the world, says the Most High God, to stand with Israel against her enemies for the plots planned for the U.S. involve the two nations.  The spirit of Babylon is even now being exposed and is roaring but I will unravel the structure its economy."

Given through Cindy Jacobs
Detroit, MI





Monday, October 31, 2011


Opening session of the Leader's Conference
During the last week of October, 2011 - a team from ICCL (International Coalition for Christian Leadership) met in Kitengela, Kenya for a giant city-wide crusade, and a Leadership Conference.  What a powerful week of ministry.

During the Leadership Conference, led by Don Railey, Director of Schools of Ministry for ICCL, over 75 Pastors were trained and encouraged during the daytime on Friday and Saturday of the week.
The theme for the conference and crusade was "The Lord Needs You" --  Don ministered in two sessions on the subjects "The Lord Needs You To Be Involved", and "The Lord Needs You to Demonstrate the Kingdom."  Pastor LaMar Cooper from Dayton, OH taught on "The Lord Needs You to Be In His Presence".  Evangelist Dale Everett taught on "The Lord Needs You to Heal the Sick" and "Releasing the Anointing."  On Saturday of the conference, over 90 leaders were in attendance, both Pastors and church leaders.  Dr. Gary Kellner joined us for the last session and spoke on "The Timing of God".  There was a powerful anointing and presence in each session.

Pastor Railey preaching to Leaders on Saturday
At the end of the meetings, the host Pastors requested that we return in the future for four days of instruction, instead of just two.  There is a tremendous hunger amongst these people for the things of God.

Each afternoon (late in the afternoon) we gathered in the city area -- right in the heart of town.  We were not in a sports arena - not in an open field -- literally right beside the main road -- between the ditches -- and thousands of people came from all around to hear the Gospel preached and demonstrated.  Friday's opening rally was almost "rained out" -- but God stopped the rain just in time for us to start late -- around 6 p.m. -- and hundreds of people standing in the water and mud came to Christ, and a demon-possessed man was delivered.  Miracles and healing were the "order of the day".  What the devil wanted to stop, God moved us forward, and the Kingdom of God was advanced!

Prime Minister Raile Odinga

On Saturday we received word that the Prime Minister of Kenya was coming through town.  The crowds swelled to the tens of thousands.  Before he arrived, as the people stood and waited and gathered -- we preached the Gospel, and again, hundreds were saved, and signs and wonders were performed in Jesus name.  Later, the Prime Minister stopped and used our stage to address the crowd, and Dr. Kellner was asked to pray for the Prime Minister and the country -- on national TV and radio.  Fact is, we didn't realize it, but just before he came as Pastor LaMar Cooper preached-- about 15 minutes of his message were broadcast live over the national radio!  Doesn't God have a way of setting things up??  Praise the Lord!

Bishop Simon N' Tisha pastors this church in Maasailand
On Sunday morning, our team split up and went to a number of churches in the local area to preach. I was invited to travel out in the countryside to preach at a church of Maasai people.  A great number of Pastors for other Maasai congregations had gathered to hear the Word.  What a time we had!!!

Souls crying out to God for salvation
The final service of the crusade was Sunday afternoon -- and again thousands of people gathered in the marketplace.  I "tag-teamed" with Dale Everett -- I preached the Word and shared my testimony of being healed, and Dale gave the altar call -- and wow -- God saved people all over the market.  And the miracles are too numerous to count.  Only heaven will tell how many people came to Christ.  We had people for blocks listening to the Word -- people on both sides of the highway -- down the side streets -- on the balconies .....

Pastor Mike Brawan, who is our Kenyan host for ICCL, reported to us after the service that they had recorded (with names) that over 14,000 people had given their lives to Christ during our entire week together.

At the close of the last service, Pastor Mike had the entire gathered group of people to kneel and pray for the nation of Kenya.  He prayed a prayer of repentance and reconciliation.  Afterward he poured out a bottle of oil on the ground and declared the land belonged to God.

There is a FIRE of the Holy Spirit moving across Kenya!  Oh God, let it burn brightly, until Jesus comes.  Oh God, let the FIRE of the Spirit burn in America too!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Herman Cain

By now you have heard the numbers "9-9-9".  Republican candidate for the nomination to run for President, Herman Cain, the former CEO of "Godfather's Pizza" -- has been pounding the airwaves with his taxation proposal and it's called:  9 - 9 - 9.   Personal income tax level of 9% -- no payroll deduction tax:  9 % corporate tax, and the most controversial one is 9% National Sales Tax on NEW purchases.
He is advocating throwing OUT all the tax codes presently, and instead of overhauling them -- replace this with this SIMPLE formula.

A lot of people are giving attention to this "simple" plan -- but I doubt it is simple at all.

Governor Rick Perry

Candidate, Governor Rick Perry, has now come out with his plan for a FLAT TAX.  Sounds like an echo chamber --- He's not the first to suggest this idea.  Fact is, back in 2000, the founder of Forbes magazine, Steve Forbes was a candidate for the nomination for President, and his platform was FLAT TAX.

Steve Forbes

I know that the whole tax system needs to be overhauled and simplified.  It is complicated and difficult to understand, with huge loopholes for those who have their tax attorney on retainer, and can "hide" their money in odd places -- including corporations and the wealthy.  We've heard it said that over 40% of the US population pays NO taxes -- somebody has to pay the bill!!!


Let me share something vital to think about --- if we go to any kind of FLAT TAX -- we will lose all our deductions -- and that means "charitable contributions" too!  That means - no matter what you give to your church or favorite charity -- you will not be deducting that from taxable income.  The potential of charitable organizations, such as the Salvation Army and your local church and missions, will undoubtedly suffer greatly.  I know that many give out of love for God and their fellow man -- they give in obedience -- but many will not give what they would, if they could not receive any deduction of the amount given (over and above what the tax code allows, already written in the tax table).
Think of all the wealthy who contribute large sums near the end of the year to charitable work, and receive a "tax write-off".  What if that is not there?  What if it truly is FLAT?

Perhaps your church -- your missionary -- your favorite charity -- is DE-funded or weakened?
They may look like the above cartoon!

On a side note:  9-9-9  ... I looked up (just for fun) in the 9th book of the Bible (I Samuel), the 9th chapter, and the 9th verse.
It's the story of Samuel anointing Saul to be the first King of Israel.  Saul had been sent out by his father to look for some lost donkeys.....when he meets the prophet Samuel....

I Samuel 9:9 says, "(Beforetime in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, thus he spake, Come, and let us go to the seer: for he that is now called a Prophet was beforetime called a Seer)."

-don't you just love that King James language???

I was thinking about this election in 2012 for the office of President of the United States -- and maybe we should look at 999 -- I Samuel 9:9 -  It is time for Americans to "inquire of God" -- It is time for our leaders and elected officials to find that "prophet" who can speak into their lives, and give them the Godly advice they so desperately need!  Instead of looking a POLL NUMBERS -- and listening to a CAUCUS of voters -- or a FOCUS GROUP -- let's have a "caucus with Jesus".

What would God have us do in 2012?

From this day forward, when I hear 9-9-9 -- I will think of calling on the Lord!
How about you?  What do you think?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Once again the issue of "religion" has come to the political arena, and once again the media is "having a cow" - so to speak.  Terms like "bigot" and "intolerance" and "political correctness" are again filling the airwaves!  The issue of former Governor Mitt Romney being a Mormon came to the surface four years ago, when he was running for the Republican nomination for President.  Now it comes again!

I am old enough to remember the debate back in the 60's when John F. Kennedy was running for President, and the church world debated whether Kennedy, being a devoted Catholic, would submit all his decisions to the Vatican or not.  Well, Kennedy won the election and became our President, and the Pope had little to do with anything he decided (as far as we could see).

What lit the fuse this time was a comment made to a reporter by Dr. Robert Jeffress, the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas.  When asked as to whether or not he thought Mormons were "Christian" he replied that he thought the Mormons were a "theological cult".  There's that buzz word -- CULT!   Webster defines "cult" as "a system of religious worship or ritual and a devoted attachment to a  person, especially regarded as a fad...."  In other words, a religion's attraction to a man, versus a devotion to a God.  You can watch Dr. Jeffress being interviewed by Fox News at this link below.

Let's talk about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) - commonly known by the word, "Mormon". In the Newsweek cover story, pictured above, in the article entitled, "Mormons Rock" by Walter Kim, he states that the LDS church "resembles a sanctified multinational corporation -- the General Electric of American religion, with global ambitions and an estimated net worth of $30 billion."

When talking with a Mormon, you will quickly discover that they use similar terminology as Christians, but, however, you will soon note that they have different definitions.


The Church of Latter Days Saints (LDS) was established by Joseph Smith, a man born in Vermont in 1805, and grew up in Palmyra, NY.  He loved to hunt for buried treasure as a lad.  In 1820, while praying in the woods, Smith said that two "personages" appeared to him - he said it was the "Father and the Son", and told him all other religions are corrupt, and he was to start a "true church".  Mormons teach that they are the ONLY true religion and church - all others are corrupt.

On September 21, 1823, Joseph Smith asked for a vision, and reportedly an angel called "Moroni" appeared to him and told him that there were "gold plates" buried nearby which contained information from 'former inhabitants' of America.  Three years later, "Moroni" tell him where the 'plates' are hidden.  He then set about to translate these plates, which he said were written in "reformed Egyptian hieroglyphics," by using a 'seer stone'  (he called it the 'Urim' and 'Thummim' - from Biblical times).

An image of this supposed "angel" - named "Moroni" sits atop every Mormon temple in the world, and there are 135 of them, with more being planned and built right now.

This "translation" Joseph Smith made became the "Book of Mormon".  LDS respects four "standard" works:  The Book of Mormon, Doctrines and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, and the Bible.  It should be noted that since Smith believed all other religions were corrupt, then he translated his own version of the Bible.  So when the Mormons talk about the Bible -- watch out -- it's Smith's translation.  Interestingly enough, Smith never studied Hebrew or Greek (the languages which the Bible were written in) - but he qualified himself to translate the Bible!

Smith claimed that the translation of the Book of Mormon from those buried "gold plates" was from writings of ancient civilizations -- but in the Book of Mormon there are entire sections and chapters from the book of Isaiah (from the Bible) which he plagiarized!  Smith claimed that the Book of Mormon was the most "correct" and "complete" book, yet he "revised" it three years later with the book that became known as "Doctrines and Covenants".

Mormon Tabernacle in Atlanta, GA  (34,500 sq. ft)


I don't want to bore you -- so I'll just list a few highlights - and you be the judge as to whether or not Mormons are "Christians" (as we define Christians).

To the members of LDS, God is NOT the eternal, self-existent, all-powerful God of the universe!
God is nothing more than a man, who became a god -- and any Mormon can become God too!

[side bar:  God is a man who became a god.  Jesus is God, and became a man]

"According to Mormon theology, after the current Father God was created, he grew up as a man on another planet and then became God.  He then had sex with the Mother God and had 'millions' of spirit children. The firstborn of these spirit children was Jesus, and the second-born was Lucifer. The Father God came up with a plan for the rest of his spirit children to populate and live on earth and be tested only to return to him after death (this is why you'll hear Mormons sometimes refer to Jesus as the 'elder brother')."
by Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz   p. 99

World Headquarters of LDS
Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, Utah

What about Salvation?
To the members of LDS, you are NOT saved by believing in Jesus and accepting Him as your Savior. All people are saved eventually!  You are saved individually by doing GOOD WORKS and obeying "the laws of the Gospel" (LDS version).

Mormons believe in 3 heavens:  "Celestial", "Terrestial", and "Telestial"
Really good non-Mormons and not-so-good Mormons go to "Terrestial" heaven.
Mostly bad people go to "Telestial" heaven.



"Oftentimes when confronted with the truth and teaching of the Bible regarding God, Jesus, and Salvation, Mormons will become very subjective.  They will say that the ultimate test for truth is an 'inner feeling' or a 'burning in the bosom' that tells them that the LDS church is the one true church, and Mormonism is the one true belief system"
by Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz   pp.105-106

I heard on the news just this week, the long-time Senator from Utah, Senator Orin Hatch, defended the word "Mormon" by saying "we are the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints."  
What he was emphasizing is the the Mormons are "Christians"!

I beg to differ.

NEVER has the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (LDS) been considered to be a part of the main stream of Christianity.

Even though they have 135 temples, a membership in access of 14 million, with over 53,000 missionaries, and near 29,000 congregations, that does not qualify for Christianity.

Think with me:

  • Christianity founded in AD 33 by Jesus Christ the Son of God (incidentally, GOD, not a man who became a god from another planet).  Mormons, established in the 1800's by a mere mortal man, Joseph Smith.

  • The Bible, written by 40 individuals over a period of 1600 years -- "holy men move by the Holy Spirit" - without fault and error.

The Book of Mormon, a translation of some "gold plates" written in picture language of Egypt, by Smith using a "seer stone" and some revelation from an angel named Moroni, who reportedly is the son of another man named Mormon.  Of yea -- those mysterious plates were taken up by Maroni -- no record of them -- but, we've got manuscripts and archeology finds to prove the Bible.

  • Salvation by grace alone in Jesus Christ vs. salvation by works.
  • Heaven to those who believe in Jesus Christ as their ONLY savior vs. salvation for everybody no matter what they do.

So you decide!  I already know the truth!