Monday, May 2, 2011


May 1, 2011 - the world received word that Osama bin Laden, a Saudi Arabian born terrorist who was the mastermind of the attacks on America on 9/11, was killed by a special team of Navy Seals in Pakistan.  Thus, one chapter of the "war on terror" is closed -- another begins!
This man was the "most wanted" man in the world for the past ten years.

It's hard to imagine that with all the technology that we possess, this man managed to allude detection for near ten years.

Then - when he is found -- he is hiding in plain sight in Pakistan - near a military base! Wow!

I guess this will probably be the "news" of the decade -- as every TV channel was humming with speculation, until the President confirmed the fact of his death.  Then a strange thing happened....... A party -- a celebration -- broke out all over the land......

People were celebrating the DEATH of a bad man!  A little strange, isn't it??  Yes, we are glad that this man has been put out of business --- our military and intelligence community are rejoicing  that "they did it" -- BUT ..... seems a little odd .... victims of 9/11 breathe a sigh of relief... they now have some degree of "closure" -- but it's not over, is it?

Reminds me of two things:
(1) A crowd cheered and celebrated the death of a good man, so many years ago -- some of the same people who days before had cried out "Hosanna" - now cried out "Crucify Him" -- and Hell threw a party as Jesus died on a Roman cross on a Jewish hill called Golgotha.
Even a thief on the cross next to Jesus could recognize that he was innocent.

(2)  The day will come, recorded in the Book of Revelation, when two witnesses will be assassinated and left dead in the streets for three days -- and the world will have a party -- even give gifts to each other in celebration of the death of two good men.

I wonder what the headlines will read in the papers on that day?  We have a strange sense of justice today, don't we.  Yes, I believe that Osama bin Laden was a very bad man -- a wicked person -- a deluded and deranged man -- worthy of death.  But, we know -- death isn't the end!  The Bible declares that "...and after that the judgment".  Real JUSTICE has not been served -- yet -- God, the Judge of the Universe, will stand at the Great White Throne Judgment -- and THEN, real Justice will be served for all time.

Jesus Christ has taken YOUR judgment for you -- at the Cross --- if your reject that judgment -- if you reject the Lordship of Jesus Christ over your life -- then YOU TOO will stand will Osama bin Laden on that day in the Judgment -- and when your name is not found in the Lamb's Book of Life -- YOU will join Osama bin Laden (and every other sinner) and will be cast into the Lake of Fire, to reside there FOREVER.

Don't listen to false prophets and teachers who would tell you -- there is no hell -- there is not final judgment -- and a good God will never send people there -- even if that teacher is the pastor of a large church and sells books...


On that day, I will Celebrate!!!!!

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