Saturday, September 1, 2012



Our team just returned a few days ago from the nation of Kenya -- where 6250 people were "born again" and entered the Kingdom of God --- as the Scripture says, "translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light!"  Over 900 of those saved were in the men's and women's prisons there in Nakuru (third largest city in Kenya).  Over 450 of those were led to Christ during our team's street ministry.

We also saw the mighty power of God working in healing and miracles -- several laid down their crutches (healed) -- one little 8 or 9 year old girl who had never walked before in her life, walked across the stage healed by the power of God -- another lady had both her ears healed (from deafness to hearing the Good News) -- backs and legs were healed -- wow!  Too many to tell!

The ongoing story is that starting soon in both the Men's and Women's Prisons -- we will be conducting a Bible School -- training these former criminals to preach and teach the Word of God!  Can you say Praise the Lord!   We had hundreds of prisons ready to be baptized in water -- we only had time to baptize 50 of them .... the chaplains will continue to baptize them!  God is moving in the prisons in Kenya!  God has opened a door, and the time is NOW to walk through that door.

We'll be back in Kenya in November to have another class of the Bible School for the Maasai tribe. God is moving in the Maasai tribe and the time is NOW to train them to reach their people.

Want to be a part of this opportunity -- I need partners!  We need supporters both financially and prayer partners.  Go to my web page and make a contribution through Pay Pal today.  God to the new ICCL web site and commit to help us reach Kenya for Jesus!

Both web site links are listed below (just click the link)

Stay tuned for more news of what God is doing through Don Railey Ministries!

Bookmark this page!  Come often!  Make a comment below and let me know you are my "Partner"!

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