Saturday, February 15, 2014


I remember posting a blog back in 2011, when the entire city of Atlanta was totally shut-down by crippling ice storms, and thousands of vehicles were stranded on our Interstate highways and city streets.  We, obviously, were not prepared.

Well life has a way of coming back around.....the city of Atlanta, and the state of Georgia invested millions of dollars in snow plows and salt trucks, after the storm in 2011.
We were determined to be ready!

Well - that time has come again --- TWICE -- to demonstrate our ability to deal with the weather.  Tuesday and Wednesday, January 28 and 29 -- two days to remember.  That morning, after being warned that something big was coming, school children were taken by buses to their schools -- people went to the jobs. At noon things changed fast -- and the snow came quickly -- and suddenly the schools were released -- and seems like everybody in downtown Atlanta left work at the same time -- and guess what --- look at the photos above and  you'll see what happened --- TOTAL GRIDLOCK!  Where were the salt trucks and snow plows --- back of the pack -- could not even get to their positions!!  Three inches of snow -- melted -- then froze -- and school children were stranded on highways in their buses --- many kids had to sleep at their schools because their parents, trying to get them, were stuck in GRIDLOCK!  A conservative estimate says there were 1200 traffic accidents; 300 injuries and one fatality (due to this storm).

It was somewhat amusing, yet sad, as politicians blamed each other -- or just refused to accept any blame for lack of coordination.  Mistakes were made AGAIN!  We had the trucks -- we had the salt -- we were just not in the right place at the right time.

Many folks like the lady in the photo below - spent the night in grocery stores and other businesses that were open -- they had abandoned their cars, and walked (if they could) to a safe place.

Guess what?  -- Would you believe we got another chance!  Two weeks later --- February 11-12 -- more snow and ice. This time ---- we finally got it right!  People did NOT go to school -- did NOT go to work -- and the trucks rolled and we made it through, although due to ice, thousands were inconvenienced by power outages across the state --- many cars and houses were damaged by falling trees .... but we will live!

What's the point of this blog --- a news report -- NO!  Just like I wrote in 2011, how many of us will heed God's warnings?  Trouble is coming!  Will we be prepared?  Jesus Christ will one day soon, return to earth -- will YOU be ready to welcome Him?  Is YOUR heart and life what He wants for you?  Do YOU love and serve HIM?    If you were to die in the next 24 hours, would YOU be prepared to meet God?  You ARE going to meet Him -- ready or not!

It's been a cold winter in Georgia this year!  We've had a lot of "strange" events!  Last night, as the city was recovering --- we had an earthquake just across the Georgia line in South Carolina -- and it was felt all over the city.  Do you think that God is trying to talk to us?  

I'm listening-- are YOU?  I'm ready -- are YOU!

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