Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Do YOU Know Your Purpose?

Purpose – the why for our existence – that which defines us as a person – that which causes us to be unique.  Do you know your purpose?

Our children and youth are tested often during their lifetimes, to judge how much they know, and what they know.  Sometime between elementary school and high school, they will take aptitude tests, psychological assessments, and ‘giftedness’ evaluations to determine what is the ‘bent’ or interests.  The sad thing is that after all those tests, they may end up wandering and drifting along through life, without a sense of direction and purpose. We are discovering that many college graduates cannot find jobs in their field of study and expertise, and they are either unemployed or are settling for jobs that make them feel unfulfilled.

Do YOU know your purpose in life?  What is your direction? 

John Maxwell writes in his book Your Roadmap For Success , “Nothing can take the place of knowing your purpose.” I believe that each of us is made by our Creator and a portion of His image is in us. That means we each have a destiny – a purpose.  We are NOT here by accident!  The problem comes when you don’t know that purpose.  Years are wasted searching, usually by trial and error, for a reason.  Many miserable days are spent doing “work” that produces no satisfaction emotionally, and that nagging feeling that you are on a “cruise to nowhere”.   John talks about that in his book.  In many of the coastal ports of America, cruise line companies offer “cruises to nowhere” (day cruises) – in other words, you pay to take a ride at sea, only to return in a few hours to the same port you left, having went nowhere!  Does this describe the way you feel? All that effort, and you’re seemingly going nowhere?

Now let me quickly let you know that SUCCESS in life is a journey --- not a destination.  Also, beware that success relates to your direction, and not your destination.  Since success in life is a journey, you ought to know your direction. Have you ever heard someone say,  “You can’t get there from here?”  That means you are not headed in the right direction!  Which way are you headed? 

You must know your purpose, so you can set your direction!

One of the ways you can begin to determine your purpose in life, is to spend time reflecting on who you are?  What do you like?  What activities bring you the most satisfaction?  What energizes you?  If you’ll stop and listen to yourself, ask the tough questions, and be honest with yourself, you’ll begin to uncover that inner purpose for your life. 

Need help in asking those questions?  Need help in finding your purpose?  That’s what I would like to do --- come alongside you as a friend, and help you unlock that destiny inside of you.  Contact me.

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