Wednesday, January 5, 2011


As we begin another year, it's time for every body to "seek first the Kingdom of God" -- now more than ever before.  Many Christians and entire churches are "fasting" the first 21 days of this year.  I applaud this, and so does God!  Fact is, God has already told us that if we would simply "give up", then we would "go over"
Give up food, or a portion of the food we usually eat -- give up time -- give up TV -- give up......whatever takes the most of your time --- and give God a chance to talk to you -- pray!  YES, God is still talking -- the question is, are we listening?  If we give up -- then we can "go over" --- go over the top in victory in our lives personally this year -- go over the top in finances  (who wouldn't want that?) -- go over the top in our businesses -- go over the top in our relationships (family, friends, church) -- and go over the top in obedience to His perfect plan for our lives.

If you've never been on any type fast before, I encourage you to purchase a copy of Pastor Jentezen Franklin's book (pictured above) - and he practically will lead you into this spiritual discipline.  You will be the beneficiary of multiplied blessings in your life this year --- IF, you will "Give up and then go over"!

Blessings are coming your way in 2011 !!

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