Thursday, August 27, 2009


We're are nearing the FALL season here in Chicago. The temperatures are already cooler - and the trees are already beginning to change. This brings to my mind the subject of "Change". I don't know a lot of people who get excited when the word 'change' comes up in conversation. The old joke says, 'the only people who love change are babies.' But, one thing is for sure, we are in a season of change in America. Perhaps you are in a season of change personally. I know I am. The question is, "How do you DEAL with change?" One of the common reactions is to DENY the change. So many spend so much of their time denying to themselves that anything around them is changing. I think they believe that if they do not admit it, it isn't so. If they don't admit their marriage is falling apart, then it must not be. If they don't admit that things are changing at work, then it isn't so. If they don't admit that they are getting older, then they aren't. If they don't admit things are changing at church, then everything will remain the same. But, it doesn't. So the first step in dealing with change, is to stop denying it. As sure as summer leads to fall - change is coming to your life. The second step is to EXPECT it. That's healthy. Yes, expect your job to change, and change with it. Expect your relationships to change, and make adjustments. Expect things at church will be constantly changing and embrace as many as you can. The third step is ACCEPT it. Even the 12 step programs teach people to "accept what they cannot change, and change what they can". Acceptance isn't approval, it's reality. Life is changing - accept it. Jobs change - accept it. Churches change - accept it. Relationships change - accept it. With God's grace, you can accept what comes in the spirit of faith, and look forward to each day. The fourth step is to LOVE it -- yes, love change. Change can be exciting - opening new doors of opportunity for you. Learn to love what God allows to come into your life -- because you know that "all things work together for your good" because you love God and are His child. How do you deal with change? DENY or EXPECT, ACCEPT, and LOVE it. That's the D.E.A.L. ! Think about it!

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