Monday, October 26, 2009

Cruising the High Seas

A few weeks ago, my wife and I had the opportunity to join her family for a cruise from Tampa, FL to Grand Cayman Island and Cozemel, Mexico. Believe me it was HOT in the Caribbean!
As we were sailing through the sea, I began to think about how life is like a cruise. NO, I don't mean that everything about life is as nice as sailing on a ship, with all the food you can eat ... and servants everywhere to wait on you. Life is like sailing the seas, with God as our Captain, and we are the trusting passengers. It takes faith to get on one of those big boats (ships). I don't know my way from port to port ...but I trust the Captain and his crew to get us there safely. Several times during the cruise, I would turn on the TV in the room, and look at a special channel, which told me the location of the ship (lattitude and longitude) - the direction (from the compass) - the speed - and the estimated time of arrival. They even told me the direction of the wind and it's speed. God's Word is like that channel. As we read and study the Word, we get God's direction for our lives. The Word tells us where we are IN HIM -- and what to expect. Amazingly we were always on time -- whenever they said we would dock at such a time, it happened. I know that we could have encountered rough seas (God spares us that), but I know that no matter what the seas would bring, we were safe. Afterall, the first thing we did on the first day -- was the famous lifejacket/lifeboat drill. EVERYBODY had to go to your "station" and receive instructions. Thank God we had no emergency in actuality, but, it's comforting to know that the crew knew what to do....and after the drill, so did we. God has a lifejacket/lifeboat drill too .... it's His Holy Spirit that indwells us. What an assurance to know that no matter what happens in life ...we are "covered" by His Spirit! Oh well, the week on the cruise was great. While there with Darla's parents and her brother and his wife, we celebrated Mom's 80th birthday. She's been sailing through life for a long time. How about you? Do you trust HIM to get you to the port called heaven? If not, you should talk to the Captain right now!

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